Well changing my phone number didn't help. changed it 4 months ago & somehow the creditors got it, even though IT'S UNLISTED. So now I went and purchased a phone that has a on/off switch.
Everyone I know & care about calls me on my cell phone, the ONLY reason I have a house phone is for the Internet, and a DRY LOOP cost 18$ more a month then having a phone, so until I file....I guess turning off the house phone is my only option.
It really (*&^% me off, that all the trouble I went thru plus paying a 25$ fee to change my phone number & they still can get it!

Everyone I know & care about calls me on my cell phone, the ONLY reason I have a house phone is for the Internet, and a DRY LOOP cost 18$ more a month then having a phone, so until I file....I guess turning off the house phone is my only option.
It really (*&^% me off, that all the trouble I went thru plus paying a 25$ fee to change my phone number & they still can get it!
