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30 day extension, and stressing!

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    So bk how much of a negative amount can you have and not seem unreasonable? When I file, I plan to list everything I can think of, including the allowance money I give to my teenage kids which I may add that its been pretty hard giving them much these days.


    Originally posted by bkfiler
    just a side not: anyone reading this should make damn sure you never ever have positive disposable income. period.

    and this thread is a case in point. all the trustee has to do is challange any $20 expense amount and you could be in a chapter 13 paying for 3 years.
    Hooters MC: $1700
    First Premier Platinum MC: $450
    Orchard Bank MC: $300 Juniper Visa :$600
    Target Card: $200 Capital One:$1500


      Thanks for the encouragement edwards2!

      The 30 days will be up 2 weeks from tomorrow. Still no changes on pacer. Haven't talked to the lawyer lately, or heard from him, so I guess so far so good? Might give him a call tomorrow and see if they've heard anything yet.

      Also, might talk to him to see if it would be ok to get a small car loan right now. The rear brakes went out in one of the cars, and the mechanic won't fix them without doing the front too. Will cost more than the car is worth. Both of the exterior door latch assemblys are broke on the other car, so we have to leave a window rolled down to be able open the doors from the inside. No parts available at the junkyard, and again, new parts, if we can get them, would cost about half of the value of the car.

      So, am thinking of seeing if it would be ok to get someone to co-sign for a loan for a car around $2000, and make some small payments. This would take care of the car situation, and lower my disposable income, like bkfiler says we have a problem with. Wonder how this would go over with the trustee? Or if this might cause too much of a fuss, and I should just hang tight for awhile.
      Last edited by magoo; 02-08-2006, 09:58 AM.


        Need to be carefull here, don't need to rock the boat.....
        The Trustee may look at getting another vehicle as trying to hide or use up extra income you have....

        Besides you need the approval of the Trustee to buy or sell anything of value during the bk process........ up till after discharge.

        "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

        My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


          Originally posted by Minnymouth
          Need to be carefull here, don't need to rock the boat.....
          The Trustee may look at getting another vehicle as trying to hide or use up extra income you have....
          Yes, good point. I guess we can wait another 343 hours, and see what happens from there. Really do want to stay under the radar, and we're hoping that the trustee doesn't even look at the file until day 31, and it just goes away.

          I'll be getting a quarterly bonus check of about $4000 to $5000 dollars right around that time. Not sure of the exact amount, due to it being based on company profit. And yes, I did include this on all of my income paperwork and budget, so it's not hidden funds. Just not ever sure what the exact amount is going to be, so we did a 1 year average on it.
          Last edited by magoo; 02-09-2006, 10:22 AM.


            A few days won't make you or break you, unless you do something the Trustee doesn't like........

            So a word of caution..... best leave it alone till after discharge if you can.....

            Would be a shame to get this close, then get throwed into a Chapter 13 or have it dismissed all together..... Lots of effort would be wasted then....


            "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

            My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


              Originally posted by Minnymouth
              A few days won't make you or break you, unless you do something the Trustee doesn't like........

              So a word of caution..... best leave it alone till after discharge if you can.....

              Would be a shame to get this close, then get throwed into a Chapter 13 or have it dismissed all together..... Lots of effort would be wasted then....

              Thanks Minny. I WILL put on my patience cap, and sit this one out in the corner for awhile.

              Positive thought for the day: Just got back from the bank, and realized that the 20th is President's Day, which will give the trustee 24 less hours to pay any attention at all to my case. Thank you for the holiday, Mr.'s Lincoln and Washington!


                Still "awaiting discharge" (sounds like a medical problem), "time in status-76 days". I think I need a valium.


                  Sunday night, 8:00 pm. Been doing good all weekend trying not to think about the bk, and the fact the the trustee's 30 day extension won't end until through the 23rd. Knock knock on the door, and here's a stranger with some official paperwork. It's a court summons from Velocity LLC, who is trying to collect an Aspire Visa debt.

                  Yes, they BOTH were included on the list of debtors. Double checked on that. The paperwork includes a sum from 11/9, when we filed on 10/14. Guess it's just a last ditch effort from them to try to get some money out of us? It's only for $1846, hardly worth their effort, I'd think. Will be sure to get these papers to the attorney first thing tomorrow!


                    Got the summons paperwork to the attorney, and he'll get it handled. I'll get a copy of the "nasty letter" by the end of the week.

                    He hasn't heard a word yet from the trustee. He seems pretty sure that if there were any problems, she would have contacted him by now. So, tht's a good sign. He's hesitant to get in touch with her, probably best to just stay under the radar, and fade into the sunset.

                    Only 50 more hours to go!


                      Well, it looks like we might have made it!! (At least through the deadline for the motion to dismiss for substantial abuse part anyway). Talked to the attorney, and not a single word to him from the trustee yet. So, I think we're out of the woods on that part. What a relief!

                      When I went in to see him, I told him that I was on my way to the liquor store, and wanted to know if I was going to be having a drink to celebrate, or to drown my sorrows! As he said, we can celebrate this step, and wait for the bigger celebration for when the case gets closed.

                      Did happen to notice one discrepency also. The original objection date was for 1/23, and on the 30 day extension, they reset it for 2/23, which is actually 31 days. A true 30 days would have been on 2/22, which was yesterday. So, if anything weird DID happen today that we didn't know about, we have a good chance of dinging them with that!

                      I think I'll be resting much better tonight!!


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