Gosh I don't know where to start my embarassing story. Were about 30K in debt. including cc, personal loand & medical bills.. . oh and overdrafted bank accounts. 1 creditor had a court date set for me. The day before they agreed to let me make payment plan. I put a downpayment, then owed them 200 a monh. I didnt pay them that b/c i didnt have it. My account they were going to take it from is overdrawn. Another creditor said theres a judgement. and theres a paper we have to fill out and submit or else getting arrested is a possibility for comtempt The paper is asking financial questions. My house is in a forbearance program. They said after 6 months of payments ontime they would modify mu loan. the 6 months came & past and now they said my inversot wont do a modification, but its being sold in 2 months to Fannie Mey loan and they (supposedly) will modify the loan.
So the time limit to submit the paper is in a day or two. otherwise We will be held in contempt. I have an appt for a free consult with an attorney in a fe days, but i dont know if i should submit the paper or wait for the lawyer to see it first. And second will i be able to file with the possibility off a loan mod. comint in the next month. Ughhh im so frusterated. i have never been this emotionally drained in my whole life.
par of me wants to sell the house hope to get enough to pay off the debt and start over, but i dont think i could get that much. im afraid bankrupptcy wont work either. ughhhhh
So the time limit to submit the paper is in a day or two. otherwise We will be held in contempt. I have an appt for a free consult with an attorney in a fe days, but i dont know if i should submit the paper or wait for the lawyer to see it first. And second will i be able to file with the possibility off a loan mod. comint in the next month. Ughhh im so frusterated. i have never been this emotionally drained in my whole life.
par of me wants to sell the house hope to get enough to pay off the debt and start over, but i dont think i could get that much. im afraid bankrupptcy wont work either. ughhhhh