Well, I filed back in Feb of this year, went to my "431" hearing, got my letter of discharge about ten days ago, and guess what.....???? Not once, not yet, lol, has anybody ever contacted me and said, "hey, said your valid US Passport back to us." So, I guess that what I was told it flat out silly. People evidently file bankruptcy everyday and after discharge carry on normal lives of being able to travel to visit relatives, so on and so forth. I was informed that the only time that a US Passport may be revoked is for back child-support and/or back taxes that may be owed. They don't even revoke them for defaulted student loans; at least, not that anyone that I have ever spoken to has said.
Well, I filed back in Feb of this year, went to my "431" hearing, got my letter of discharge about ten days ago, and guess what.....???? Not once, not yet, lol, has anybody ever contacted me and said, "hey, said your valid US Passport back to us." So, I guess that what I was told it flat out silly. People evidently file bankruptcy everyday and after discharge carry on normal lives of being able to travel to visit relatives, so on and so forth. I was informed that the only time that a US Passport may be revoked is for back child-support and/or back taxes that may be owed. They don't even revoke them for defaulted student loans; at least, not that anyone that I have ever spoken to has said.