All righty, I promised JustBroke, and by extension, all of you, what happened to me/us today.
‘Hub and I had a meeting this morning. That said and done, we went to meet another colleague at a local watering hole. A nice time was had by all. During this time, ‘Hub voiced his wish to meet up with Enemy2, shake his hand and express our desires that all of the past nine years is over and done with, and let us start from this day forward. The colleague thought that would be well.
As we got up to leave the establishment, Enemy3 came in (an attorney moonlighting as a musician—that had represented the principal Enemy1, before Enemy1 got crowned as the KING of ALL FOOLS on April 1, 2009)
So I thought I would practice this bit of Christian principle. I approached the person, stuck out my hand and greeted him in a friendly manner, saying that after everything over the years, we held no ill will and wished to start over again.
He DID shake my hand, but he said that it was NOT over for him, as he had more than 30K involved in our case and that he would hold us to it.
I thought, EXCUSE ME? I shut my mouth being both non-plussed, and thinking, ‘what the hell?’ AND remembering the axiom: “Keep your mouth shut and you won’t be caught!”
So, said Enemy3 expects us to settle with him for what he thinks is his due. CHUFT!! He is not the litigant, and is not even now the original litigant’s attorney, so he is doubly p-od.
It is our opinion that this ex attorney needs to persue his own client for any moneys owed him, as the case that his client brought against us, was never pursued, nor was his AP against our BK.
So, just curious, what do you think?
‘Hub and I had a meeting this morning. That said and done, we went to meet another colleague at a local watering hole. A nice time was had by all. During this time, ‘Hub voiced his wish to meet up with Enemy2, shake his hand and express our desires that all of the past nine years is over and done with, and let us start from this day forward. The colleague thought that would be well.
As we got up to leave the establishment, Enemy3 came in (an attorney moonlighting as a musician—that had represented the principal Enemy1, before Enemy1 got crowned as the KING of ALL FOOLS on April 1, 2009)
So I thought I would practice this bit of Christian principle. I approached the person, stuck out my hand and greeted him in a friendly manner, saying that after everything over the years, we held no ill will and wished to start over again.
He DID shake my hand, but he said that it was NOT over for him, as he had more than 30K involved in our case and that he would hold us to it.
I thought, EXCUSE ME? I shut my mouth being both non-plussed, and thinking, ‘what the hell?’ AND remembering the axiom: “Keep your mouth shut and you won’t be caught!”

So, said Enemy3 expects us to settle with him for what he thinks is his due. CHUFT!! He is not the litigant, and is not even now the original litigant’s attorney, so he is doubly p-od.
It is our opinion that this ex attorney needs to persue his own client for any moneys owed him, as the case that his client brought against us, was never pursued, nor was his AP against our BK.
So, just curious, what do you think?
