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So, a week later, the papers are filed and we have a case number

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    So, a week later, the papers are filed and we have a case number

    Now we wait for a date for the 341. We thought this would happen last week but then the attorney recommended we wait until after one more payday and get money orders to pay our rent etc. We have under 40 dollars in our bank account, we have nothing in savings...this is a pretty scary feeling! I get paid Friday, but it is small, only about 200 dollars, and that is all we have until DH next payday a week from friday. I hate that we cannot exempt cash in Colorado.

    We are filing a 7 and qualify in both income and Schedule I&J, but the whole idea of no access to any money for a couple weeks is pretty scary. I have prepurchased a lot of groceries etc from Costco so we are set in that regard, but we are crossing our fingers we have no unexpected vehicle expenses etc!

    What a weird day. I need to be working and instead I am just sitting here wondering what to do next. This is so anticlimactic.

    For those that don't know our story, we started this process in July when we found out that our payment to Chase had more than doubled, the same month my son had a skull fracture and brain bleed from an ATV accident and we had a 5000 dollar deductible to pay for hospital stay and expenses related to that. We just hit a wall. Ever since July we have been planning, getting paperwork together, living our lives in the process, moving because without the bills we could afford to move out of the ghetto...and finally escaping these medical bills that we were stupid enough to put on a credit card at a "locked in 1.4% interest" that then jumped over and over and over until we have paid more than we ever charged and still owe more than we can ever pay.

    Anyway, we have no assets, have fought to keep a good credit score for 8 years trying to pay off medical bills from over a week of hospitalization following an ambulance transport for our son having seizures the week after my husband got laid off and lost insurance. 8 years of he!! and we have nothing to show for it, except that if we had filed BK then, which we certainly would have qualified for, we would totally have our lives back on track now. We now have no assets, no credit score, no savings, and we are 8 years older. But at least we don't have anything they can take away from us and we are looking forward to living on a cash basis from here on out. With the banking industry where it is right now, I don't even know if it is worth it to try to build up a credit score again.

    Just thinking out loud is good to have somewhere to vent about this since we have told a few people but not really advertising it around.

    We got a letter in the mail within 4 days with the 341 information. Make sure to complete your debtor education course and then sit back and wait. Congrats!

    Sorry about your medical debt, that's got to be doubly hard worrying about money while worrying about your son. I'm sure a lot of us think we could have/would have/should have filed sooner. But you're on your way to a fresh start now so keep your head up!
    attorney consult and decided to file, 02/15/2010
    no-asset Chapter 7 filed, 03/11/2010
    341, 05/10/2010
    discharged, 07/13/2010


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