Earlier I was sorting though my Credit Card statements, seeing if there was any way to avoid the inevitiable. I was amazed, as I read the statements. I haven't been in financial position to pay any of them in three months. So it was quite telling just how fast these guys can bury you. In three months I now have payments due totaling approximately 10% of the outstanding balances. One the other hand if I can just scrape together the minimum payments I could have the outstanding balance paid off in approximately 45 years and repay a total of approximately 3X what I now owe. I really see no way out of this hole other than to stop digging.
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Getting closer to pulling the trigger
Yes, stop digging; those cards are made to never pay off but to keep you paying for the rest of your life. See an attorney and get out of the mess. It is really the only way out, but you can get out. AND BY NO MEANS PULL THE TRIGGER unless you are using the cards for target practice.IndianaFiled March 9, 2010;
341- April 28, 2010;
Confirmed May 25, 2010;
$1,240 a month; 4 down & 56 to go
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