For expenses like pet supplies, vet bills, allergy related food expenses, diabetes supplies for my daughter, many medical co pays, dry cleaning for work clothes, home repairs/maintnance, tolls, etc. Our grocery bill is huge. I haven't even kept track of it, but I would guess about $800 to $1000/ month. Would we need to start saving receipts? We've been using cash for a lot of stuff. I haven't been keeping receipts but will start. We plan on filing in June. We're way over the median by about $40000, but have so many extra expenses. My husband pays $1144 in child support to his ex-wife, we have a household of 6, we're paying for 2 cars, $1350 in daycare, $2200 mortgage and so on.....
If we have to file 13, that's fine, but is it possible to have so many expenses that we truly can't??? I know they are going to scrutinize everything because of our income. That is fine, I just want to be prepared with the paperwork we need.
I was going to quit my job so we could file chp 7, but I can't leave a good paying job in this economy especially since I've been there 10 years. ugh I just want this to be over already.
If we have to file 13, that's fine, but is it possible to have so many expenses that we truly can't??? I know they are going to scrutinize everything because of our income. That is fine, I just want to be prepared with the paperwork we need.
I was going to quit my job so we could file chp 7, but I can't leave a good paying job in this economy especially since I've been there 10 years. ugh I just want this to be over already.