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New to this Chapter 7 thing, what I worry about MOST is that such Court actions become, more than anything else, mere CHARACTER ASSESSMENTS by the Court. I.e., the Court (Trustee), who is fundamentally on the side of the CREDITORS, assumes that the debtor is just another typical DEADBEAT, who is merely trying to evade his debts, and it is up the debtor to prove his is NOT. A civil action lawyer once warned me that, "at least 50% of the eventual outcome in a civil lawsuit depends on the CHARACTER of the PLAINTIFF." Put more bluntly, when I enter the 341 hearing behind Chapter 7, I fear running into a "Judge Judy"-type Trustee!!! Almost as bad a Tiger attack at the SF Zoo.
New to this Chapter 7 thing, what I worry about MOST is that such Court actions become, more than anything else, mere CHARACTER ASSESSMENTS by the Court. I.e., the Court (Trustee), who is fundamentally on the side of the CREDITORS, assumes that the debtor is just another typical DEADBEAT, who is merely trying to evade his debts, and it is up the debtor to prove his is NOT. A civil action lawyer once warned me that, "at least 50% of the eventual outcome in a civil lawsuit depends on the CHARACTER of the PLAINTIFF." Put more bluntly, when I enter the 341 hearing behind Chapter 7, I fear running into a "Judge Judy"-type Trustee!!! Almost as bad a Tiger attack at the SF Zoo.
I'd like you to meet my friend swampwiz.
Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
I got a call from my CU, they have handed it over to their attorney and are starting proceedings towards a judgement. They have gone two and a half months since getting paid. I have to change some of the schedules (going pro se) and hoping to file next couple of days. And I was feeling guilty about this yesterday...not any more.