Hello. I'm new and scared to even be here.
How do I know it's time to file? I'm soooo scared.
I want to pay these bills off, but we're barely making our household bills. We have about $20k in CC debt. All are maxed and some are behind on the payments. 3 are in DH's name alone. 1 in my name and then we have a credit line. I know our bank (who our credit line is through) will not touch credit counselors outside of their counselors so I wonder if we can file for that too. My card and the credit line are up to date. I pay my CC and the bank takes money out of DH's check for the credit line.
Help! I feel like we aren't enjoying life at all right now. Our mortgage is up to date and we can pay that. We can pay our cars, and utilities, tv, phones, and internet. We just don't have any money left after everything to pay the CCs. How do we know that we just need to do it? DH is worried about job applications and all that. Sometimes they ask if you've filed on the application. I just don't think there's any way that we can pay our CCs. Even the min. DH has buried his head in the sand which I'm even more worried about, but that would turn into a whole other thread. I'm just looking for options for us.
We're young. We've made stupid decisions, but we want to live and move on, start a family and enjoy life. Advice? Suggestions? Swift kick in the butt?
How do I know it's time to file? I'm soooo scared.

Help! I feel like we aren't enjoying life at all right now. Our mortgage is up to date and we can pay that. We can pay our cars, and utilities, tv, phones, and internet. We just don't have any money left after everything to pay the CCs. How do we know that we just need to do it? DH is worried about job applications and all that. Sometimes they ask if you've filed on the application. I just don't think there's any way that we can pay our CCs. Even the min. DH has buried his head in the sand which I'm even more worried about, but that would turn into a whole other thread. I'm just looking for options for us.
We're young. We've made stupid decisions, but we want to live and move on, start a family and enjoy life. Advice? Suggestions? Swift kick in the butt?