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Can I - Should I

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    Can I - Should I

    I dont know if I can or should file.
    I am married but have 100% seperate finances. Not 1 bill or item is in both of our names. I have 50k in CC debt and have no other bills except a biweekly $400 I give to my spouse towards the living expenses, the house and all utilities are in his name, this goes towards those expenses. I have zero assets other than my car which might book at around 3k. After paying the credit cards and the biweekly amount I have approx. $15 a week left over from my paycheck. I have made late payments but none show on my credit report. I have not had the phone ringing looking for payments, so the creditors basicly think I have no problem paying.
    I cant continue to try to live on $15 a week and am at a loss what to do. I have mostly stopped using the cards for about 2 months except for a couple emergency tanks of gas and some school clothes.

    Can I file and not involve my husband and 'his' assets?
    If I file how much actually can go away? Does it depend on my other bills ( which I dont have)?

    Any and all suggestions are welcome

    What state do you live in?
    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick




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