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I was thinking about trying to finance a pool

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    Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
    $70 to run an ad!!!! Haven't you heard of craigslist?
    this was 2-years ago when I wasn't too much into e-bay and Craigs list. I live in NJ and surprisingly the guy that picked up the pool was from eastern PA. It was a bit of a drive for him. I dont know if I would have got the same response on Craigs list. Anyway, it was a lot cheaper than paying someone for demolition and even our construction friends had no clue how to remove the pool.


      My mum and I just grabbed the sawzall and cut our old pool into pieces. At least your way a family got to enjoy it after!
      Still learning all of this, but glad I've found this site! Thank you all for your advice and patience!


        Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
        $70 to run an ad!!!! Haven't you heard of craigslist?
        We have a garden pool. We tried everything to keep it looking nice and then found out a clorine tablet would do the trick.
        Golden Jubilee was a year-long celebration held every 50 years in which all bondmen were freed, mortgaged lands were restored to the original owners, and land was left fallow: Lev. 25:8-17


          Originally posted by Bigkerm View Post
          I was thinking about trying to finance a pool but my wife and I are going to be filing BK in the next 6-12 months. I am afraid I would never get a loan after BK, my credit is still really good at the moment I am not late on anything. My wife has all of our credit card debt in her name and I only have a few thousand in my name. I was not sure if I could buy it and not file BK on it or I am not sure if you could file on a pool loan or not. If anyone out there has put a pool in and financed it or filed BK on it could you please respond with any input.

          XXXXXXX a.k.a. Bigkerm

          I don't know your whole financial situation nor health situation, if one exist......

          But something you might want to do is look at the cost for all the parts for a pool and then buy the parts and do the work yourself.

          I put a garden pool in with a 7 foot waterfalls. Lights in the pool. Largest filter I could find, etc.
          Golden Jubilee was a year-long celebration held every 50 years in which all bondmen were freed, mortgaged lands were restored to the original owners, and land was left fallow: Lev. 25:8-17


            Originally posted by BigJohn View Post
            I don't know your whole financial situation nor health situation, if one exist......

            But something you might want to do is look at the cost for all the parts for a pool and then buy the parts and do the work yourself.

            I put a garden pool in with a 7 foot waterfalls. Lights in the pool. Largest filter I could find, etc.
            I was thinking about a concrete inground pool, I have been looking into the expenses on a monthly basis for the salt-water type system I was thinking about getting is about $30 a month. I will probably put the pool on hold for a little while because I don't want it to cause trouble in our Ch 7 filing. I wish I could build it myself !!! Thanks for the advice everyone !!!

            Matthew a.k.a Bigkerm


              I didn't read this whole thread, so maybe someone already said this. The cost of the pool will not go away, that's for sure. The lender will secure the pool loan with a 2nd Deed of Trust (or Mortgage, depending on the state you live in) and if you don't keep the payments current you will lose the home to foreclosure. If you can afford those payments you will probably be filing a Chapter 13. So I would guess you are not planning to try to discharge the pool debt, just trying to get credit for a pool at the home you plan to keep before there is a BK on the record?


                Pools in florida are a lot cheaper to maintain because there are so many of them and so many pool companies. Plus you run/use it year round, no closing a pool for the winter or anything like that. Our service is $40/month to have them come out weekly to do all the chemicals. No trouble acquiring home owner insurance, (as long as there is no diving board or slide) although it will increase your premium and there will be an increase in your tax bill too.

                All that aside, if you finance the pool they will place a lien on your home so it's not like you can discharge it. I also think it would be a big red flag if you take on a payment and additional expenses for a pool and then try to file bankruptcy on all your unsecured debt. Why not just use that money to pay off your debts?


                  Originally posted by hereforinfo View Post
                  Pools in florida are a lot cheaper to maintain because there are so many of them and so many pool companies. Plus you run/use it year round, no closing a pool for the winter or anything like that. Our service is $40/month to have them come out weekly to do all the chemicals. No trouble acquiring home owner insurance, (as long as there is no diving board or slide) although it will increase your premium and there will be an increase in your tax bill too.

                  All that aside, if you finance the pool they will place a lien on your home so it's not like you can discharge it. I also think it would be a big red flag if you take on a payment and additional expenses for a pool and then try to file bankruptcy on all your unsecured debt. Why not just use that money to pay off your debts?
                  That is probably what I will do, I just want the kids to have something to do at home so we don't have to go out to do something they can just jump in the pool and get some good exercise at the same time. My while thought process on it was should I try to get financing while I still have good credit. I see your point though about it may disrupt my CH 7. I guess it will have to wait till after the BK and I will hope to get financed then.


                    If you are still planning financing on things like this, you are not at the right place to even file bankruptcy. You will likely find yourself right back in this place before 7 years when you could file again. I am kind of irritated that anyone would be thinking this way and not thinking of this as a great way to have a NEW START and NEVER get in debt for luxuries again.


                      I suppose in Florida a pool would make some sense. But have you maybe asked some friends who have a pool how much it cost to run theirs?

                      I would hold off for awhile, get this BK behind you, get a feel for living with no plastic. See if you can survive without a cc. If you do ok, then maybe down the road you will have that pool. But remember not only is there expense of putting the pool in, but maintaining it, running the filter system, heating it. So it's a non stop expense, make sure you can really meet that expense without any hardship on you and your family.
                      Filed Chapter 7 June 4 ~ 341 July 20 ~Last day of objections Sept 18~Discharged/Closed Sept 21


                        Well, after a massive lightning strike, we are expensivly back.

                        About the pool thing. There are so many springs in Florida, the state has water around it and lakes abound.

                        Here is a suggestion. How 'bout a hot tub?

                        Trust me, there is nothing better than a 104 degree hot tub in winter at 28 degrees and a mizzleing rain, a glass of red wine, and NEVER polute a hot tub with clothing. LOL.

                        It is a fast pace out, but a very warm and wonderful slow walk back into the house. I wish I had one long ago. I probably would have six kids, not two. LOL. 'Hub
                        If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                          Originally posted by Bigkerm View Post
                          I was thinking about trying to finance a pool but my wife and I are going to be filing BK in the next 6-12 months. I am afraid I would never get a loan after BK, my credit is still really good at the moment I am not late on anything. My wife has all of our credit card debt in her name and I only have a few thousand in my name. I was not sure if I could buy it and not file BK on it or I am not sure if you could file on a pool loan or not. If anyone out there has put a pool in and financed it or filed BK on it could you please respond with any input.

                          XXXXXXX a.k.a. Bigkerm
                          Hi bigkerm
                          In your original post you asked if you could buy the pool and not file bk on it. You can't pick and choose what debt you want to keep and what you want to get rid of. Secured debt like a mortgage or car payment you can keep but unsecured debt will be discharged. I have no idea what the terms of a pool loan would be but again, not the best plan at this point.


                            Why dont you get a soft sided pool from Walmart. I have one they are fun, the kids enjoy it and the chemicals cost next to nothing. They can be taken down and put back in the box to store for winter.

                            $200 investment. Hours of enjoyment. Maybe $50 in chemicals and filters for the whole summer. Cant go wrong!


                              Originally posted by AngelinaCatHub View Post
                              Well, after a massive lightning strike, we are expensively back.

                              About the pool thing. There are so many springs in Florida, the state has water around it and lakes abound.

                              Here is a suggestion. How 'bout a hot tub?

                              Trust me, there is nothing better than a 104 degree hot tub in winter at 28 degrees and a mizzleing rain, a glass of red wine, and NEVER polute a hot tub with clothing. LOL.

                              It is a fast pace out, but a very warm and wonderful slow walk back into the house. I wish I had one long ago. I probably would have six kids, not two. LOL. 'Hub
                              Two words: surge protector!

                              Sorry to read you had some damage.

                              In the frozen tundra of northern Ohio even a hot tub set at 104 degrees turns to ice in the winter!
                              Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                                Originally posted by justplaintired View Post
                                I suppose in Florida a pool would make some sense. But have you maybe asked some friends who have a pool how much it cost to run theirs?

                                I would hold off for awhile, get this BK behind you, get a feel for living with no plastic. See if you can survive without a cc. If you do ok, then maybe down the road you will have that pool. But remember not only is there expense of putting the pool in, but maintaining it, running the filter system, heating it. So it's a non stop expense, make sure you can really meet that expense without any hardship on you and your family.
                                That seems like it would be my best bet to see how I can do with my regular non CC bills and see if I can swing a pool later on down the road after seeing what the regular maintnance bills of a pool really is from some friends.

                                Thanks again all for the suggestions I really appreciate it.

                                Matthew a.k.a. Bigkerm


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