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What Kind Of Person Becomes A Debt Collector

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    Originally posted by whyme View Post
    Seriously? Could you make one of mine go away? Remember I told you about that Couch, Stillman, Blitt and Conville lawfirm that was calling me? I'm freakin' losing sleep over them!
    We'll certainly try, but remember what we discussed.

    And btw, you look nothing like your avatar.
    Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


      Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
      We'll certainly try, but remember what we discussed.

      And btw, you look nothing like your avatar.
      LOL! Paul Walker is my celebrity crush!!


        If you have a family to feed and this is the only option ... prolly also people that just like to argue are drawn to it


          Originally posted by proto View Post
          If you have a family to feed and this is the only option ... prolly also people that just like to argue are drawn to it
          I think they're cut from the same cloth that a lot of prision guards come from. They enjoy having power and control over people who are at their mercy.
          Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


            Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
            Where do these people come from? What kind of person decides: OK, I LIKE calling people on the phone and making their lives miserable, so I am going to become a DEBT COLLECTOR!!! I mean, if it paid $100,000 a year, I could understand their motivation, but it doesn't.

            Has any child ever sat on his father's knee and said: "Know what I wanna be when I grow up Daddy?!?! A debt collector!!!

            I know that they are people too, and that they have their own bills to pay . . .

            But Jesus, I was in debt once too and it is SOOO satisfactory to me to discharge their shylock as***.
            Well I'm a collector and no I don't make 100 k a yr only about half that but also, it's called a job. And just as you probably do, you do what you got to do to feed your kids and keep a roof over their head. I'm not one of those crazy collectors but a job is a job, you do what you're trained or you get fired.


              Yup my sister in law is a debt collector. She's pretty good at it. Again at the end of the day it's just a job for them. Don't take it personal.
              Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


                Originally posted by MiSSMaGoo View Post
                Well I'm a collector and no I don't make 100 k a yr only about half that but also, it's called a job. And just as you probably do, you do what you got to do to feed your kids and keep a roof over their head. I'm not one of those crazy collectors but a job is a job, you do what you're trained or you get fired.
                I understand. And please know that I don't mean it against you personally. I just have a lot of issues with the tactics third party debt collectors use.

                I'd be interested to know what they teach y'all in debt collector school. Can you share with me or point me to some place on line I can learn more about their training?

                Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


                  Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
                  I understand. And please know that I don't mean it against you personally. I just have a lot of issues with the tactics third party debt collectors use.
                  I'd be interested to know what they teach y'all in debt collector school. Can you share with me or point me to some place on line I can learn more about their training?

                  Me too! I had a female NCO collector call me. She cursed at me and told me she was going to put a lien on our home. I couldn't get her to shut up, until I told her to. I gave her our Attorney's name & phone # & she went off on me again. I, again, had to tell her to shut up & repeated our Attorney's name & Phone #. Then, I made her repeat the info I gave her to make sure she had it right. This was a CC Debt (Unsecured!).

                  Have a truck loan thru US Bank. Due on the 17th, but confirmed not late until after the 27th. Last month, a lady called me on the 27th & told me my payment had not made it to their Bank. As she was speaking, I pulled up my Bank Account info & it showed it cleared that day. I told her it was paid as an EFT thru our Bill Pay. She proceeded to tell me that US Bank didn't use EFTs. I wished I had recorded the phone conversation as she lied. US Bank is a big bank & yes, they accept EFTs. Checked the next day & loan payment was shown as being made on the 27th by US Bank's website.


                    Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
                    I understand. And please know that I don't mean it against you personally. I just have a lot of issues with the tactics third party debt collectors use.

                    I'd be interested to know what they teach y'all in debt collector school. Can you share with me or point me to some place on line I can learn more about their training?

                    Thanks for that. Well in training they tell you to try and find out why someones acct went past due in the first place and then of course always try to lock down a payment or get them in hardship program to avoid anymore interest or fee's. But the training not anything all crazy just normal stuff showing you how to work the computer program they use. And last above quote, yes NCO is crazy crazy. lol The best advice I can give is answer and tell them look you won't get a payment from me til a few months. Avoiding them all that does is put tons of notes on your account of that you're doing that.And then when you get the A-hole associate they're probably that much more of a jerk. Yeah but I dont understand why some associates are such jerks, those are the one that haven't got a pay-by-phone and they're desperate. I'm always nice and one of the top associates w my company. Anytime you're mis-treated by someone on the phone, tell them you want their supervisor and you're recording their call and should hopefully chill them out.


                      Originally posted by MiSSMaGoo View Post
                      Well I'm a collector and no I don't make 100 k a yr only about half that but also, it's called a job. And just as you probably do, you do what you got to do to feed your kids and keep a roof over their head. I'm not one of those crazy collectors but a job is a job, you do what you're trained or you get fired.
                      Wow, they let you be a collector with credit issues/BK? Even back several years ago, collections was one of those fields where you had to have a sterling credit rating. The explanation for it was generally that you had access to change information about your credit and also that if you owed unpaid debts yourself your heart would not be in collections.

                      I am not criticizing, I am just surprised!
                      Filed: 9/9/2009
                      341: 10/13, went well!
                      Discharged 12/17/2009


                        Originally posted by MiSSMaGoo View Post
                        Well I'm a collector and no I don't make 100 k a yr only about half that but also, it's called a job. And just as you probably do, you do what you got to do to feed your kids and keep a roof over their head. I'm not one of those crazy collectors but a job is a job, you do what you're trained or you get fired.
                        I agree that people need to feed their kids and keep a roof over their heads. If you are respectful to the people you are calling, then it is a relatively unpleasant job, but one that pays your bills, enough said.

                        But many bill collectors are cruel. And I can't imagine why a person needs to be cruel to keep a roof over their heads. I suppose guards in a prisoner camp who torture people just need to keep a roof over their heads too, that is why they are guards. But did they need to torture people? I don't think so.

                        It's the collectors that are deliberately cruel and nasty that have no right to use the excuse that it is "just a job". I am not saying that this is you.

                        Just my opinion.....
                        You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone. ~~Nate, Six Feet Under


                          Originally posted by leena View Post
                          Wow, they let you be a collector with credit issues/BK? Even back several years ago, collections was one of those fields where you had to have a sterling credit rating. The explanation for it was generally that you had access to change information about your credit and also that if you owed unpaid debts yourself your heart would not be in collections.

                          I am not criticizing, I am just surprised!
                          No this is very true, and when I started my job I had stellar credit. I was confronted about two of my accounts that went into to my bky that was through my bank but they had no problem. Maybe b/c during my job I had 3 kids and 2 surgeries they felt bad and probably knew I had medical debt through the roof! They asked if I would try and pay them, rather than include them and I said no, it would be dumb on my part to pay them the 7k I owed if I could put it in my bky. Now had my job been on the line, then yes I would have paid.


                            Originally posted by backtoschool View Post
                            I agree that people need to feed their kids and keep a roof over their heads. If you are respectful to the people you are calling, then it is a relatively unpleasant job, but one that pays your bills, enough said.

                            But many bill collectors are cruel. And I can't imagine why a person needs to be cruel to keep a roof over their heads. I suppose guards in a prisoner camp who torture people just need to keep a roof over their heads too, that is why they are guards. But did they need to torture people? I don't think so.

                            It's the collectors that are deliberately cruel and nasty that have no right to use the excuse that it is "just a job". I am not saying that this is you.

                            Just my opinion.....
                            Well I can't speak for the A-hole collectors but on the same token.... I think all of us including myself forget sometimes, when we used the credit card that was a luxury someone trusted us with and then the bank tries to collect their money, they very much so have their rights. I'm not standing up for disrespectful collectors but really don't expect collectors not to call if you're past due. And as for "just the job" if I was offered a different job, I would not leave. I make decent money and I'm one of the collectors that helps people and it makes me feel good when I can help someone get caught b/c "life" happened and they got a little behind.


                              Well...I would not sneez at 50k a year either. Thats what both myself and wife make together. I wish mine were helpful and not asshats. Some are but if there if nothing to give there is nothing to give.

                              I got layed off last year (hence my bk situation)and was getting ready to take on a diff carreer. Debt collections was not even on the list.


                                Thanks for your post lrprn. I respectfully disagree with you completely. My cousin was a repo-man for a rent-to-own company, he is now a store manager.

                                1. Hard working people who pay their debts and honor their promises.

                                2. Able to tell the difference between the truely needy and the lazy materalistic people.

                                3. Were you having a bad day when you made this post?

                                When the going gets tough the tough get going.

                                Originally posted by lrprn View Post
                                What kind of people work for a debt collector? Two kinds - (1) desperate people who need a job - any job - with regular income to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, and (2) sociopathic people who think crushing others under their verbal heels and making people cry is an incredibly entertaining way to spend their day and make some money to boot.


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