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What Kind Of Person Becomes A Debt Collector

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    Originally posted by Flamingo View Post
    I've answered you via PM as I also received one from you. As I stated in my PM to you, you do not need to know my qualifications as I have not applied to work for you but I can tell you that my career in legal work goes well beyond your 20 years...The mods watch out for and protect members of this forum from the myriad of businesses trolling for business or plants put in place in forums by firms and businesses trying to drum up business. When something unusual is posted, we tell posters to be careful of any possible scams or business trolling. Most posters see it though first and report the matter.
    I can certainly see where it is necessary to weed out the "plant", so to speak. However, your post above states "BK Lawyers do not negotiate with your creditors to settle debt or lower interest when you retain them to file bankruptcy." Apparently, this information you have given is in error. The post by MSBklawyer clearly wasn't a plant and is a lawyer helps clients negotiate and settle debts. Perhaps if you insist on pointing fingers, take a second to make sure you are pointing it a someone for a legitimate reason.

    Better yet, perhaps refrain from making broad, untrue statements like "BK Lawyers do not negotiate with your creditors to settle debt or lower interest when you retain them to file bankruptcy." The fact that a BK lawyer who does exactly that was reading your post makes it untrue. Maybe if you qualified your statement with a "some BK lawyers" or "very few" BK lawyers". You get my drift, right?

    Originally posted by Flamingo View Post
    BK Lawyers do not negotiate with your creditors to settle debt or lower interest when you retain them to file bankruptcy. As in other forums, be careful of plants from filing agencies who may be trolling for business...just read between the lines.


      Originally posted by 2Bshinyandnew View Post
      I can certainly see where it is necessary to weed out the "plant", so to speak. However, your post above states "BK Lawyers do not negotiate with your creditors to settle debt or lower interest when you retain them to file bankruptcy." Apparently, this information you have given is in error. The post by MSBklawyer clearly wasn't a plant and is a lawyer helps clients negotiate and settle debts. Perhaps if you insist on pointing fingers, take a second to make sure you are pointing it a someone for a legitimate reason.

      Better yet, perhaps refrain from making broad, untrue statements like "BK Lawyers do not negotiate with your creditors to settle debt or lower interest when you retain them to file bankruptcy." The fact that a BK lawyer who does exactly that was reading your post makes it untrue. Maybe if you qualified your statement with a "some BK lawyers" or "very few" BK lawyers". You get my drift, right?
      Yes I get your drift and you will get mine but won't take it public nor hijack this thread. Please read my PM. Thank you.
      Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
      Early Buy-Out: April 2006
      Discharge: August 2006

      "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


        Originally posted by Flamingo View Post
        As I stated in my PM to you, you do not need to know my qualifications as I have not applied to work for you ....
        No, last time I checked I hadn't received a job application from you. We can agree on that much.

        I'm not trying to be ugly about this, but when you hold yourself out as knowing something about bankruptcy and then say something like:

        "BK Lawyers do not negotiate with your creditors to settle debt or lower interest when you retain them to file bankruptcy."

        You're giving out misinformation.

        It would be GROSS malpractice for a lawyer to put an individual into a bankruptcy without exploring the non-bankruptcy options first.

        Admitted, most of the times there AREN'T any non-bankruptcy options. But you can't make a blanket statement like that and hold yourself out as being some kind of authority on bankruptcy law.

        I can't tell you how many clients I have had with tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt that I have simply called the credit card lawyer and offered a $500 settlement and made it go away. Thus avoiding a bankruptcy on their credit report.

        I'll sum it up with this: If you pay a bankruptcy lawyer because of your debt problems and he doesn't explore getting you out of debt without bankruptcy, you haven't gotten your money's worth.

        Flamingo's testimony to the contrary notwithstanding.
        Last edited by MSbklawyer; 08-17-2009, 02:04 AM.
        Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


          Originally posted by Flamingo View Post
          BK Lawyers do not negotiate with your creditors to settle debt or lower interest when you retain them to file bankruptcy.
          This statement is 100% true when you retain them TO FILE BANKRUPTCY.

          If you retain them to explore all your options then negotiated settlements may be part of the process.
          Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


            Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
            Are you implying that I am a plant from a filing agnecy? You don't know what you're talking about.

            A GOOD bankruptcy lawer will always explore the non-bankruptcy avenues before putting a client into bankruptcy.

            I have been practicing law for 20 years -- Debtor bankruptcy law for 15 of those. I have handled hundreds of bankruptcy cases and in not one did I not explore the non-bankruptcy options first.

            What are your qualifications to be a moderator here? If you were a bankruptcy lawyer, I would hope that you have your Errors and Omissions policy paid current because you would need it.

            A bankruptcy lawyer absolutely DOES explore the non-bankruptcy options before putting a client in bankruptcy.
            If by exploring options you mean the credit counseling courses that are required now, they are basically a joke. Something some bureaucrat cooked up to get more money out of folks for his special interests. They do little to help a person and do not 99% of the time prevent a bankruptcy filing.

            Remember so long as they qualify by the means test, and have completed the course which found them worthy of bankruptcy then they have the right to file bankruptcy no matter what other options you might lay before them.
            May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
            July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
            September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


              Originally posted by backtoschool View Post
              Wow, I wish I had had a lawyer representing me like you when I tried to settle my debts before filing for bankruptcy! Imagine having those conversations as a lay person. It was horrible and I got nowhere. There definitely seems to be a lot of stupidity and spite on behalf of junk debt buyers. Even at a 30% settlement they would be making tons of money on the debt since they bought it for pennies on the dollar. Makes no sense to me....
              He's blowing smoke, even a lawyer calling is not going to significantly reduce what you owe. Any that claim they can are scamming you just like those tax reduction lawyers, credit fix lawyers and DMPs that advertise on late night TV.
              May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
              July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
              September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                I am a Collector for a Credit Union. When I got into the situation I'm in now I was stunned at the reply I got from Bank of America. The girl told me "Watch your expenses and get a second job". What? No wonder people are filing bankruptcy and letting homes go into foreclosure. I tried getting a modification, applied for the "Making Homes Affordable" gov plan, spent hours with Money Management trying to get assistance and HOURS with Bank of America without any success.

                My goal as a Collector is to make contact with someone and see what we can do to stop the delinquency. We will offer payment extensions, refinance balance remaining and extend terms to make pmts affordable and a few other options like reaging loans. This was what I expected in return for myself.

                If more companies cared to help our economy wouldn't be in the shape it is in now.

                A word of advise. Use a Credit Union instead of a Bank. I've worked for both. The big guys are in it for the shareholder. The Credit Unions are in it for the member- that's YOU.


                  When I was 21 I worked in a hospitals billing department contacting people about paying their bills. I hated it and only lasted a week before I called a patients house and his sister answered....I told her that I was looking for this person and she started to cry saying that he had given her number as his own and she could take the calls anymore because they were constant. I felt about 2 inches high. I am a big people person and want to help so I asked for a transfer to another area in the department I just can't stand to know I upset someone.


                    [QUOTE=UpToMyNeck;328449]The girl told me "Watch your expenses and get a second job". What?

                    My car lender told me to give the car back because I obviously can't afford it, or maybe I should call United Way and see if they can help. Huh? I am going to ask them to take money from people that really need it to survive to pay my car? I was just taken off guard because it was 25 days late and I had already paid 80% of what it was owned on it by this point.


                      I once had some stupid collector call me at work and tell me she was going to place a lien on my home for an unpaid loan that was not even in my name. She told me it didn't matter that my name was not on the loan, she could put a lien on anyway. I asked her to put that threat in writing for me so I could show it to my attorney. Never heard from her again.


                        Originally posted by UpToMyNeck View Post
                        I am a Collector for a Credit Union. When I got into the situation I'm in now I was stunned at the reply I got from Bank of America. The girl told me "Watch your expenses and get a second job". What? No wonder people are filing bankruptcy and letting homes go into foreclosure. I tried getting a modification, applied for the "Making Homes Affordable" gov plan, spent hours with Money Management trying to get assistance and HOURS with Bank of America without any success.

                        My goal as a Collector is to make contact with someone and see what we can do to stop the delinquency. We will offer payment extensions, refinance balance remaining and extend terms to make pmts affordable and a few other options like reaging loans. This was what I expected in return for myself.

                        If more companies cared to help our economy wouldn't be in the shape it is in now.

                        A word of advise. Use a Credit Union instead of a Bank. I've worked for both. The big guys are in it for the shareholder. The Credit Unions are in it for the member- that's YOU.
                        I agree. We were able to join the Schools First FCU because of my MIL. They are great. So much easier to deal with than BofA. Also, I deposit at Patriot's Fed Credit Union at their ATM which across from work. They told me yesterday that they used to be only for military and now anyone can join.
                        Filed Chapter 7: 7/3/09
                        341 Hearing: 8/6/09 - Went Smoothly!
                        Discharged: 11/30/2009
                        Closed: 12/16/2009


                          Originally posted by UpToMyNeck View Post
                          The girl told me "Watch your expenses and get a second job". What?

                          My car lender told me to give the car back because I obviously can't afford it, or maybe I should call United Way and see if they can help. Huh? I am going to ask them to take money from people that really need it to survive to pay my car? I was just taken off guard because it was 25 days late and I had already paid 80% of what it was owned on it by this point.

                          This is when they become really nasty and aggressive ...when you are nearly paid off and if they repo the car they will actually make money rather than lose money. The less you owe, the more aggressive the collectors seem to be. JMO.
                          Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
                          Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

                          I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


                            Originally posted by UpToMyNeck View Post
                            I am a Collector for a Credit Union.
                            I am sorry to hear that. I wouldn't let it be widely known.

                            If I had to take a job as a debt collector or let my family starve, I guess I would take it. But I would tell my mama that I was working as the mop man down at the adult theater so that she would not be ashamed of what I did for a living.
                            Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


                              Funny reply

                              Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
                              ...I would tell my mama that I was working as the mop man down at the adult theater so that she would not be ashamed of what I did for a living.
                              I don't mean to laugh, but that was funny. ROTFL!
                              Bankruptcy History:
                              Chapter 7 filed - 10/12/2005 - Asset
                              Discharged - 02/16/2006
                              Case Closed - 11/08/2007

                              A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain ~ Mark Twain

                              All suggestions are based on personal experience and research and SHOULD NOT be construed as legal advice as I am NOT an attorney. Always consult with competent counsel in your area with regards to your particular situation.


                                Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
                                No, last time I checked I hadn't received a job application from you. We can agree on that much.

                                I'm not trying to be ugly about this, but when you hold yourself out as knowing something about bankruptcy and then say something like:

                                "BK Lawyers do not negotiate with your creditors to settle debt or lower interest when you retain them to file bankruptcy."

                                You're giving out misinformation.

                                It would be GROSS malpractice for a lawyer to put an individual into a bankruptcy without exploring the non-bankruptcy options first.

                                Admitted, most of the times there AREN'T any non-bankruptcy options. But you can't make a blanket statement like that and hold yourself out as being some kind of authority on bankruptcy law.

                                I can't tell you how many clients I have had with tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt that I have simply called the credit card lawyer and offered a $500 settlement and made it go away. Thus avoiding a bankruptcy on their credit report.

                                I'll sum it up with this: If you pay a bankruptcy lawyer because of your debt problems and he doesn't explore getting you out of debt without bankruptcy, you haven't gotten your money's worth.

                                Flamingo's testimony to the contrary notwithstanding.
                                Seriously? Could you make one of mine go away? Remember I told you about that Couch, Stillman, Blitt and Conville lawfirm that was calling me? I'm freakin' losing sleep over them!


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