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What should I do?

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    Question What should I do?

    I filed for Chapter 7 and our "meeting with the creditors" is in August. I was reviewing all of the information of what will take place and came across something I hadn't even thought about as it's not currently an issue. I did some consultant work that is similar to self-employment and quit doing it in April as I was spending more money than I was making. I have it all tracked on spreadsheets and if reflects -$75.00 earned in the 3 months I did it. Of course, because I wasn't thinking of it, it's not documented in any of our petition stuff. My concern now is, will the Trustee be able to find this information if there's no paychecks or 1099 forms for the income? Technically I haven't made a dollar so I don't know if I need to worry about it? My bigger concern is what will happen if they can some how find out and I didn't provide that information at the time we filed?? Any help would be appreciated!! It's freaking me out and I don't know if I should worry or not!!

    Don't worry too much. Do you have an attorney? Simply call and let them know. They will decide if they wish to amend you petition. I can't tell you if they will or not. When we went to our 341 we showed more income then we had, this was due to self employment that had ended and it was figured in as an income, but the business has ceased. The trustee didn't seemed upset when I told her that job was done.

    Just give your attorney and tell them about your mistake and let them handle it from there. Just let them know it was an oversight on your part.
    Filed Chapter 7 June 4 ~ 341 July 20 ~Last day of objections Sept 18~Discharged/Closed Sept 21


      Take your spreadsheet with you to the 341 and explain it to the TT if he/she is curious.
      Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


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