Just thought I'd post that I took the first step and called a lawyer this morning. We have our first meeting on Saturday morning. This was a lawyer my brother called on about 1 1/2 years ago. He ended up not having to declare, (he was able to get a deed in lieu of foreclosure on a very large mortgage debt) but had good things to say about the lawyer.
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Am I a good candidate for bankruptcy?
Thanks for your post CC. I definitely do not think that BK is your answer because I believe that BK should only be used in extreme permanent medical disabilities and I did not see any in your post.
I have faith in you that you can solve this problem on your own by making some lifestyle changes now instead of after a BK.
I know this advice is not popular but I have seen many people work their own way out of debt and are very thankful they did.
Originally posted by CreditCretin View PostI have been trolling these boards for a few weeks now and had a lot of my questions answered. I am still trying to decide if I should make the call and see a lawyer. Made some bad financial decisions and racked up way too much credit card debt over the past few years and it just seems like a never ending hole. I am paying all the minimums and am finding I have less and less cash available to where I am at the point where I have to charge groceries, etc. It feels like I am digging my way out of a hole with a spoon and someone is using a bulldozer to push more dirt in on top. Anyway here are my stats as embarassing as they are..
Anyway, sorry for the long read... Any and all advice is appreciated. I feel like I have to call a lawyer and get advice, but keep putting it off.
Your post really struck a nerve, your FAITH does not pay the bills. There is no permanent medical disability here and we live pretty darn frugally. The only "extra" you could say we have is our cable/internet. My husband's hours were cut and he is in an internship with "steps" but he hasn't advanced any "steps" for a year when he was supposed to be advancing every three months.
People's "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality is ridiculous. I would say MOST people TRIED, we were in CCCS for four months and just couldn't do it. Our car broke down, our AC needed repairs, we had med. bills come up, we were getting into more debt then we were paying off.
You come off extremely judgmental and narrow minded, I hope you don't find yourself in a situation someday where your statements would come back and bite you in the butt.
ferl;302588]Thanks for your post CC. I definitely do not think that BK is your answer because I believe that BK should only be used in extreme permanent medical disabilities and I did not see any in your post.
I have faith in you that you can solve this problem on your own by making some lifestyle changes now instead of after a BK.
I know this advice is not popular but I have seen many people work their own way out of debt and are very thankful they did.[/QUOTE]Filed Pro Se- 12/15/2009
341- 2/17/2010
DISCHARGED- 3/18/2010
Originally posted by sigferl View PostThanks for your post CC. I definitely do not think that BK is your answer because I believe that BK should only be used in extreme permanent medical disabilities and I did not see any in your post.
I have faith in you that you can solve this problem on your own by making some lifestyle changes now instead of after a BK.
I know this advice is not popular but I have seen many people work their own way out of debt and are very thankful they did.
I used to have about 100.00 a week left after paying minimums 6 months ago, but every single card we have has raised the interest rates and subsequently the miniums have followed. Chase has decided to raise the minimums on two of our cards from about 440 a month to about 1200 a month which puts me in a bad position since now I could be 800 short. I could start rolling balances around and charging fuel and utilities, or stop paying but the 2nd choice would just destroy my credit as much as doing a BK.
I do make good money, but I am in a profession with a salary (so no overtime) and I work 10-11 hours per day already, and am frequently on call evenings and weekends so getting a 2nd job would have the potential of putting my 1st job at risk. We've thought about having my wife work, but she has chronic back problems which would interfere with her ability to hold a job. She was in the hospital for 2 weeks last year. Thank God we have HMO coverage, or that 100K hospital bill would have found me here, in these forums, 12 months ago..
Originally posted by sigferl View PostThanks for your post CC. I definitely do not think that BK is your answer because I believe that BK should only be used in extreme permanent medical disabilities and I did not see any in your post.
I have faith in you that you can solve this problem on your own by making some lifestyle changes now instead of after a BK.
I know this advice is not popular but I have seen many people work their own way out of debt and are very thankful they did.
Faith??? Think you might need to start reading the Bible a tad bit more.
Originally posted by ecsclb1724 View PostYour post really struck a nerve, your FAITH does not pay the bills. There is no permanent medical disability here and we live pretty darn frugally. The only "extra" you could say we have is our cable/internet. My husband's hours were cut and he is in an internship with "steps" but he hasn't advanced any "steps" for a year when he was supposed to be advancing every three months.
People's "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality is ridiculous. I would say MOST people TRIED, we were in CCCS for four months and just couldn't do it. Our car broke down, our AC needed repairs, we had med. bills come up, we were getting into more debt then we were paying off.
You come off extremely judgmental and narrow minded, I hope you don't find yourself in a situation someday where your statements would come back and bite you in the butt.
Originally posted by LuciluS View PostI call people like you Trolls!! This is a Bankruptcy Forum and in all of the 8 posts you've made, you state BK is not the answer. If you don't have anything to say to help people with their BANKRUPTCIES, then Go and Stay Away from here.
Faith??? Think you might need to start reading the Bible a tad bit more.
Originally posted by CreditCretin View PostI am just curious. What kind of lifestyle changes would you suggest. We are currently paying minimums on all our debt with very little cash left over, so we have to resort to charging groceries, clothing, school supplies, etc. to live.
I used to have about 100.00 a week left after paying minimums 6 months ago, but every single card we have has raised the interest rates and subsequently the miniums have followed. Chase has decided to raise the minimums on two of our cards from about 440 a month to about 1200 a month which puts me in a bad position since now I could be 800 short. I could start rolling balances around and charging fuel and utilities, or stop paying but the 2nd choice would just destroy my credit as much as doing a BK.
I do make good money, but I am in a profession with a salary (so no overtime) and I work 10-11 hours per day already, and am frequently on call evenings and weekends so getting a 2nd job would have the potential of putting my 1st job at risk. We've thought about having my wife work, but she has chronic back problems which would interfere with her ability to hold a job. She was in the hospital for 2 weeks last year. Thank God we have HMO coverage, or that 100K hospital bill would have found me here, in these forums, 12 months ago..
Originally posted by Bandit View Postyes that one is trolling alright. time to start reporting more posts. that seems to be all I ever do here is keep reporting people.Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
Originally posted by sigferl View PostThanks for your post CC. I definitely do not think that BK is your answer because I believe that BK should only be used in extreme permanent medical disabilities and I did not see any in your post.
I have faith in you that you can solve this problem on your own by making some lifestyle changes now instead of after a BK.
I know this advice is not popular but I have seen many people work their own way out of debt and are very thankful they did.Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
Originally posted by OhioFiler View PostI stopped telling on people when I left 3rd grade.and here I thought you were still in third grade. my bad.
Originally posted by OhioFiler View PostYour faith is misplaced. You are on the wrong forum. You need to go back to your We Have No Life forum and tell your buddies how you irritated a few peope on this forum. How much fun you must have!
Originally posted by Bandit View Postand here I thought you were still in third grade. my bad.
You should get a cookie for being so special. You really told them off and insulted them so much, didn't you.
Hey I took the same approach you did. They didn't need to be here so I attempted to discourage them. My post was just wittier than yours.Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick
Thanks for your post cc. I hope we can share some ideas in a friendly way that can benefit both of us.
I was lucky enough to grow up with frugal parents that worked hard for all they have and I think that many people do not really know what hard work and frugal is. I do not work as hard or live as frugally as many people but I do not own the pocessions that they have.
For example, I was talking to a single mother at work who said that money was tight and she had to sell her dining room set that she bought new years ago. She was surprised that I have never had a new dining room set and I am 10 years older.
I am also a salaried professional, computer programmer, and I was able to work 10 years at a second job working weekends and evenings. At every part-time job I told my boss that my computer programming job came first and that I would have to leave if I got called on a problem. I found that the part-time bosses did not mind if I got called away in an emergency if I was a good worker that helped out when someone else had an emergency.
God Bless America
Originally posted by CreditCretin View PostI am just curious. What kind of lifestyle changes would you suggest. We are currently paying minimums on all our debt with very little cash left over, so we have to resort to charging groceries, clothing, school supplies, etc. to live.
I used to have about 100.00 a week left after paying minimums 6 months ago, but every single card we have has raised the interest rates and subsequently the miniums have followed. Chase has decided to raise the minimums on two of our cards from about 440 a month to about 1200 a month which puts me in a bad position since now I could be 800 short. I could start rolling balances around and charging fuel and utilities, or stop paying but the 2nd choice would just destroy my credit as much as doing a BK.
I do make good money, but I am in a profession with a salary (so no overtime) and I work 10-11 hours per day already, and am frequently on call evenings and weekends so getting a 2nd job would have the potential of putting my 1st job at risk. We've thought about having my wife work, but she has chronic back problems which would interfere with her ability to hold a job. She was in the hospital for 2 weeks last year. Thank God we have HMO coverage, or that 100K hospital bill would have found me here, in these forums, 12 months ago..
Thanks for your post of. Do not be irritated, just ignore my posts if you do not like them. That is what I do.
I will have fun and will boast to my buddies when I have saved someone from filing BK when they are able so pay their debts on their own. No, I rarely recommend BK because everyone else on this forum does such a good job at that but I do agree that many BKs are justified.
Have you ever recommended to someone on this forum that they should not file BK?
Freedom is not free.
Originally posted by OhioFiler View PostYour faith is misplaced. You are on the wrong forum. You need to go back to your We Have No Life forum and tell your buddies how you irritated a few peope on this forum. How much fun you must have!
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