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Can I be denied health care because I filed Chapter 13?

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    Originally posted by Bandit View Post
    dispute dipsute dispute challenge challenge challenge....there are many reasons the denied health care and yes you are being foolish following me around like a little puppy dog harassing me for every post I make.

    You have had two threads closed this week for getting off topic and now you are going for your third.
    Uh...each of my posts is related to the OP's query Bandito. I have had two threads closed this week for getting off topic? Are you an administrator here now? I know you appointed yourself forum cop last night but come there chap.
    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


      Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
      Uh...each of my posts is related to the OP's query Bandito. I have had two threads closed this week for getting off topic? Are you an administrator here now? I know you appointed yourself forum cop last night but come there chap.
      1)what does this have to do with

      Question: Can I be denied health care because I filed Chapter 13?

      2)what does this have to do with

      Question: Can I be denied health care because I filed Chapter 13?

      3)what does this have to do with

      Question: Can I be denied health care because I filed Chapter 13?


        Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
        Name calling is not allowed on these forums You should report yourself.

        You like to change your arguments. here is your quote I disputed. I did not dispute any othe part of your post:

        You see. I challenged your explicit and exclusionary use of "EXCEPT LIFE OR DEATH". I never indicated there was less than 2 reasons to be declined service.

        No famous tanget there Bandito. Your post was obvious bad information and I wanted to set the record straight.

        1)what does this have to do with

        Question: Can I be denied health care because I filed Chapter 13?

        2)what does this have to do with

        Question: Can I be denied health care because I filed Chapter 13?

        3)what does this have to do with

        Question: Can I be denied health care because I filed Chapter 13?


          Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
          It's not whether it's a life or death emergency that requires an emeregency room to treat a patient.


          The EMTALA applies to all hospitals who accept payment under Medicare which is essentailly every hospital in America.

          Spreading disinformation about whether someone can receive emergency treatment other than life or death situations is dangerous. If someone with a broken leg read your post and feared going to the hospital they could end up disabled for life.

          Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
          Name calling is not allowed on these forums You should report yourself.

          You like to change your arguments. here is your quote I disputed. I did not dispute any othe part of your post:

          You see. I challenged your explicit and exclusionary use of "EXCEPT LIFE OR DEATH". I never indicated there was less than 2 reasons to be declined service.

          No famous tanget there Bandito. Your post was obvious bad information and I wanted to set the record straight.

          1)what does this have to do with

          Question: Can I be denied health care because I filed Chapter 13?

          2)what does this have to do with

          Question: Can I be denied health care because I filed Chapter 13?

          3)what does this have to do with

          Question: Can I be denied health care because I filed Chapter 13?


            wow....sigh...thanks alot for your help


              Sizesnug it largely depends where you live.

              So long as the hospital receives any public funds or medicare then it has to treat your emergency cases. However understand that care may not be as good as it would give otherwise.Indeed they may only do a rough look over give a shot or something and send you on your way, or if you live in South Chicago you might get sent to a Clinic that can be hours away for med care which is what Mrs. Obama's health care plan there does.

              If you have a question of a particular doctor/hospital then I would call them up and see what they say.
              May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
              July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
              September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                OP, I can tell you that I have had one issue since I filed, that is with my oncologist. Although I have paid the oncologist all my debt (the amount was huge, well over $100k) but approx $485 and my actual Dr will treat me, I can't get in to see her. Why? Because I am blocked by the accounting dept. I am blocked because of the BK filing. Even if I pay the $485 now, after the discharge, I still can not use this oncologist. The accounting dept overrules the dr for appts. Since everything is computerized, I am quite literlly 'blocked' out of the system.

                My other dr, my rhumatologist, is not an issue at all. It is directly dependent upon each dr's policy.

                As to getting treatment from a hospital, my personal experience is this: In my county, Palm Beach, if you do not have insurance and you can not pay up front AND you have something serious (for example, I had very agressive breast cancer), you will get turned away from the hospital if you do not have insurance or pay up front. They do NOT have to take you contrary to the Medical Treatment Act. As it was explained to me, as long as they kept me from getting admitted, the hospital did not have to treat. They do not have to make payment arrangements if they feel you will not be around (alive) to finish the payments. This last part is based on your diagnosis and prognosis. In my case, at that time the prognosis was less than ten months and the hospital bill was unknown, but assumed, by the hospital to be too large to pay within the ten month period. If my ex husband did not remarry me and provide me with insurance coverage I would not have to worry about any of this because I would not be here today. You all can talk about theory and the law - there are those of us that drop through the cracks. Made too much money to be eligible for any type of government help, had pre-existing condition (arthritus since I was a child) that prevented health insurance UNLESS I was to work for a large company that had group coverage (we don't have access to that in my field) or had coverage from a spouse. If you do not have insurance, you can't get treated for the big stuff, in my case, cancer.

                In the end, its not the BK that affects whether you will get treatment, except with some specific doctors offices. Its the insurance coverage.
                Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
                Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

                I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


                  This thread has run its course and is being closed and further namecalling in forum posts, hijacking threads, etc. by OhioFiler and Bandit will not be tolerated and will result in an infraction/posting ban. What occurred in this thread is not fair to the OP.
                  Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
                  Early Buy-Out: April 2006
                  Discharge: August 2006

                  "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


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