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Did Cali Fall Off The Cliff?

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    Did Cali Fall Off The Cliff?

    Supposedly, major banks were set to begin refusing IOU'S from the state of CA today.

    Did it happen? I don't have access to CA news and have not found anything on search engines tonight.

    What is the mood and expectation there, for you folks from Cali?

    My own feeling is this portends a large part of the future for the rest of the country.

    Please share your thoughts and news sources.
    11-20-09-- Filed Chapter 7
    12-23-09-- 341 Meeting-Early Christmas Gift?

    Years ago California decided to make a law that if you were a homeowner you would pay taxes only on the price you paid for the home, not a assessed value. Most states do assess you property and it does increase and you pay more as inflation moves upward. In doing that, many could afford to pay higher prices on homes as their taxes were lower. The end result is not enough in the coffers I think. Now that prices are headed downward will they realize that the law was not a good choice? It helped drive prices on homes up, but in the end helped bankrupt the state... not a good choice to me.


      The state bankrupted itself with ridiculous laws and outlandish pollution standards. It is the most restrictive, regulated and taxed state in the Nation. Their IOU's are worth about what our IOU's called dollars will become if we keep flooding the economy with fiat printing press money. Our central government has a skewed Idea that you can spend your way into wealth. I tried it once. It's called bankruptcy. 'Hub
      If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


        the newspaper for Sacramento (state capital) is you can read the latest bull coming from the capital


          as an example of the mentality of the legislature... they want to increase taxes yet again on cigarettes...they say consumption is decreasing... they obviously dont realize that people are driving to the indian casinos and buying their cigarettes with NO tax...thats right no taxes on cigarettes... you can still get a carton of smokes for 24 bucks at most casinos.....others are getting them online or shipped from out of state... and california gets nothing....and the idiots in sacramento are scratching their heads and saying the taxes are working.... people are quitting....the liberal democrats in sacramento STILL cant accept the fact people are fed up with their TAX and spend policies even after the failure of their latest propositions.....the will of the people means NOTHING to a liberal democrat.....


            Originally posted by momisery View Post
            Years ago California decided to make a law that if you were a homeowner you would pay taxes only on the price you paid for the home, not a assessed value. Most states do assess you property and it does increase and you pay more as inflation moves upward. In doing that, many could afford to pay higher prices on homes as their taxes were lower. The end result is not enough in the coffers I think. Now that prices are headed downward will they realize that the law was not a good choice? It helped drive prices on homes up, but in the end helped bankrupt the state... not a good choice to me.
            Prop 13 is not the reason for this state's financial problems. They are mostly due to the unions control of the legislature, TENS of MILLIONS of illegal aliens and many unfunded mandates by the feds. If the Governors of the past had simply used their veto power rather than signing every piece of crap feelgood measure to work its way through the legislature we wouldn't have nearly the problems we do. If the Fed gov't would deal with the illegal alien issue we wouldn't nearly have the problems we do. If the Feds wouldn't set up programs that they require us to not only follow, but pay for, we wouldn't have nearly the problems that we do.

            Prop 13 is really a very fair way to tax property. My grandparents home would not have been worth $500k until the day they sold it for that much, why should they pay property taxes on an abstract assessment? The new people felt it was worth $500k, they get to pay taxes on that amount. The reason the voters pushed Prop 13 (this was an voters initiative ballot measure) was because elderly people were being taxed out of their homes.

            As to "outlandish pollution standards", I grew up at the base of a mountain in a valley. There were months that I could not see that mountain, I don't mean it was just hazy, I mean that I could not see a 6000+' mountain from the base of the foothills. I don't have that problem anymore. While I hate (probably more than most) that I have to take my car to be smogged, I am happy that my lungs don't burn on a hot day.

            Don't get me wrong, I think almost every legislator we have in this state ought to be the first against the wall when the revolution comes, Prop 13 and our smog laws aren't the reasons for our woes.


              Originally posted by AngelinaCatHub View Post
              The state bankrupted itself with ridiculous laws and outlandish pollution standards. It is the most restrictive, regulated and taxed state in the Nation. Their IOU's are worth about what our IOU's called dollars will become if we keep flooding the economy with fiat printing press money. Our central government has a skewed Idea that you can spend your way into wealth. I tried it once. It's called bankruptcy. 'Hub
              California is the most anal state on the planet followed by New York, Illinois, New Jersery and then Maryland....and now this big-n-nasty Obama government wants a total ban on cigarrette smoking for all military soldiers and officials. Wasn't it Cali that started the famous ban on cigarettes 20 some odd years ago? Oh yes, I do believe it was Beverly Holes, I mean Hills.

              I am certain that the continual removal of everyones freedom will heal the economy...and if you are not sure, the law is starting to say (started in the Cali foothills of course) you must drive with your headlights on during the day because you will be safer and then the economy will get better as everyone becomes safer when everyone has their headlights & seatbelts on during the day and of course no smoking in your car and home.

              Just keep following what california does and see where it gets us.
              Last edited by Bandit; 07-12-2009, 07:41 AM.


                Originally posted by walkthaplank View Post
                They are mostly due to the unions control of the legislature, TENS of MILLIONS of illegal aliens and many unfunded mandates by the feds. If the Governors of the past had simply used their veto power rather than signing every piece of crap feelgood measure to work its way through the legislature we wouldn't have nearly the problems we do. If the Fed gov't would deal with the illegal alien issue we wouldn't nearly have the problems we do. If the Feds wouldn't set up programs that they require us to not only follow, but pay for, we wouldn't have nearly the problems that we do.

                Don't get me wrong, I think almost every legislator we have in this state ought to be the first against the wall when the revolution comes, Prop 13 and our smog laws aren't the reasons for our woes.
                I must agree and that is exactly one of the main reasons Cali, what was once the richest state in the USA has failed. Now the rest of the country is stupid enough to follow suit. The gubberment has the people right where they want them, including the illegal aliens and that is why they have never really sought to stop it. It was H. Clinton who said the aliens should get drivers license and be allowed to vote without being a citizen.


                  this state sucks right now, and I have lived here my whole life. Great weather and no bugs 365 days a year only goes so far. The Liberals have us strangled here. Here is a good example :

                  I'm reading an article in the local paper yesterday about the plight of the Avocado growers down in south Riverside/San diego counties.Many of them have had to cut down trees in their orchards. Why ?? They can't get the water they need which comes from N. california, because the Liberals are worried about the habitat of the Delta Smelt, so they would rather strangle the rest of the state, for a smelt. Californias unique climate and soil make it the top Avocado producer in the world. Our quality of Avocados is unserpassed and is exported world wide. Now this opens the door for product of a lessor quality from Mexico and Chile to increase its market share.

                  Ohh but we sure have lots of money to spend on the chillidren of Ilegal Aliens whose parents work mostly for cash under the table, so their income cant be tracked, and they qualify for our generous social programs
                  Stopped Paying CC's 2/2009. Retained Attorney 1/10/2010 Filed 1/23/2010. Discharged 5/19/10 $187K CC, $240K 2nd,$417K 1st, No asset Ch-7


                    You can blame it on a party if you want too, but the truth is Ronald Regan gave us the first amenesty bill and never put any teeth into it. We have had both parties in and neither have done a thing. In fact Bush wanted to grant amnesty again. Both parties are all about cheap labor. We lived in CA and AZ for a while. GA is worse than CA ever thought of being for illegals and traffic.. yuck. And the education level is 43rd in the nation. The top education states only include on southern state and that would be west virginia because they are so close to DC and have a lot of the overflow from there. We need taxes to pay for education etc. If they raised taxes on real estate in CA everyone would be paying it instead of just a few, and I am sure they would have a senior discount. True government makes enough, but stop and think for a second.. How good was big business at controling the cost of insurance, medical costs, or our banking and finance situation. These can not be blamed on government control, but rather the lack of it. Your bigger issue of illegals would not have been cured by McCAin and Palin either, McCain is from AZ where I lived for years and he and his state are all about cheaper labor. We need new people in government for sure, how about some good ole honest americans with compassion, and a good sense of business for OUR country instead of the our sourcing stuff they have been doing? The village idiot can out source jobs, take advantage of our tax cuts and pass on the profits to the top people in this country. We need people that are honest, and that is hard to find.


                      Not just Calif.... The whole USA will fall off the cliff.... when Obama declares wars on both Iran & Nork Korea next...


                        he (Obama) just gave Israel the green lite to attack Iran,s nuclear facilities, which eventurally they WILL when Iran retaliates, which they WILL do, ....i suppose we will be committed to defending Israel....which is just wrong.....


                          Originally posted by junker View Post
                          he (Obama) just gave Israel the green lite to attack Iran,s nuclear facilities, which eventurally they WILL when Iran retaliates, which they WILL do, ....i suppose we will be committed to defending Israel....which is just wrong.....
                          Iran has been at war with us since 1979. We as a nation have chose to ignore it all of these years. Instead of dealing with it, we end up sticking our head in the sand and hope for the best while continually living in denial. A great author on the subject (and the Islamic war against the west) is Robert Baer. Read his books See No Evil: The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA's War Against Terrorism and Sleeping With the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude. Baer has an axe to grind with business as usual aspects of the CIA, weak willed management of the intelligence communities, and the tech geeks of the intelligence community who think if they can't see a satellite image of it the problem doesn't exist, but no singular political axe to grind. Very good reads in my opinion.


                            Israel is the only christian nation in the middle east aren't they? I do not envy their position at all. While I do think they push their weight around with America to defend them, they are in a hard spot still. I can not imagine living with bombings going on all the time like they do. Or like the whole middle east does for that matter.


                              um, israel is jewish not christian and rest assured does not give two cents about christians or what they think any more than they care about what muslims think but is an excellent political spin doctor wee bisty nation.

                              Originally posted by junker View Post
                              he (Obama) just gave Israel the green lite to attack Iran,s nuclear facilities, which eventurally they WILL when Iran retaliates, which they WILL do, ....i suppose we will be committed to defending Israel....which is just wrong.....

                              yah, the old amercian tax dollar and US soldiers murdered to defend that country has grown beyond weary. It is wrong on so many levels, I lost count.


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