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Should I include old collections in BK?

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    Should I include old collections in BK?

    Should I include old accounts which went into collections 4+ years ago in the BK7 filling? The SOL in my state is 3 years so these debts are not collectible. I have gotten all but one of these debts removed from my credit report a few years back. I am not even sure who owns the debts at this point.

    Its about 4 accounts which total about 20k.

    They question should be, why wouldn't you include those debts.


      Yes, put in every debt possible. Put in the OC and if it was assigned or sold to a CA or JDB, put the name of the CA and JDB in as well. You do not have to duplicate the amount of debt, but you want to make sure the list is as complete as possible. Its to your benefit later - if the CA/JDB tries to collect on discharged debt you have proof it was discharged in your BK. Google Zombie debt - its a real eye opener!
      Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
      Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

      I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


        Definetely add them into it. I stopped paying 2 credit cards 3-4 years ago, the credit report said they were written off, and in the past few months they tracked me down......
        So include them.


          Okay I was just checking. I didnt want to stir anything up on my reports more then it already will be. But I do understand including them is the safe thing to do.


            Originally posted by optimistic1 View Post
            They question should be, why wouldn't you include those debts.
            Only reason I could think of would be in a CH13 where you are really close to the debt limits. "forgetting" some very old dead and burried debts could make all the difference.


              We are trying to discharge 185k in BK7, so the 20k on these cards would not matter I dont think.


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