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Emotions with BK

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    Emotions with BK

    How long did it take your emotions to stabilize? We were so determined not to do BK and now have finally made the decision to go through with this and we are on a complete roller coaster, from Excitement and hope to feeling destroyed and tearful. I am so tired because I cannot sleep but I don't feel restless, I just lay there and think about all the things that we can look forward to, that will improve our lives... and then feel just so much shame because we are taking this step.

    I don't know how well I explained that but it is quite a struggle for me right now.

    Hey, just settle down.
    Many here hated the thought of doing what we had to do.
    But getting advice from someone like an attorney or a paralegal can be assuring.
    Get information and it may just make you feel a lot better about what you have to do and how it will go.


      We do have an attorney meeting on Thursday at 11. I really hope this will be a go on the first try because I just want to feel some rest with all of this.


        I am sure with the prep work his paralegal has done with you he will be able to advise you on what to do and when.
        It will be a big load off your shoulders I am sure.


          When you sign up for a card you sign up for a game where only the cardholder can change the rules. They hold all of the power since there has been no regulation for at least the past 8 years. I don't feel guilty anymore about filing when I think about how many times they raised my interest rates for no reason or how many late fees they tacked on because I payed online on the day it was due but there is a two day waiting period for funds to transfer so it doesn't count. Or they lower your limit to what you owe so that you are in constant danger of overage charges. Even medical bills are insane. My son had an MRI and there was a mix up with the insurance so we got the bill. 1500 for anasthesia and 10,000 dollars for the MRI. That is an insane amount of money. They are just asking for it by charging exhorbitant fees. Bankruptcy is the only recourse for the consumer when we are in a hole we can't dig out of.

          Besides I have my kids to think about. They need clothes and diapers and medicine. They need a stable home with happy parents who aren't worried or bitter. My wife and I need this for our personal sanity and for our health in general. The banks had no problem taking money from the government (that means you and me) and then paying out bonuses to themeselves so why should we have a problem with taking some of that money back and getting ourselves back to sanity and solvency?

          Don't be so hard on yourself just live and learn.


            We started our bankruptcy process when a non-profit debt counseling agency told us they couldn't help us. We needed to see a BK Attorney. We met with him late last Sept. and will be filing this Sept.

            At first, I was tense, edgy & scared. However, hubby and I have been through some major medical crises and we made it. When I (who is doing all the paperwork & valuing of assets) feel like I'm sliding backwards, the best Words of Wisdom have come from the Moderators and/or Gurus of this board. I repeat the sentence over and over and get 'back on track'.

            Words of Wisdom:

            Filing Bankruptcy Is A Financial Decision and You Must Leave Your Emotions (feelings) Out Of Your Decision.

            Hang in there. Remember filing Chapter 7 is a 'Fresh Start'!



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