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gaining government security clearance?

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    gaining government security clearance?

    Our credit is in the crapper but all other background checks should be completely fine. Anyone know about getting a job that requires the ability to get governement security (secret) clearance? How does it work with BK on our credit...or in our case...we are waiting to file a CH7 next month?

    HOpefully someone can help! Thanks

    While your debt is high it is unlikely they would approve such a clearance, high debt is considered a security risk. However after the bankruptcy is discharged you can get security clearance but you do have to be honest in answering all questions including about the bankruptcy.
    May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
    July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
    September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


      Granted I retired from US Civil Service a few years back but a BK never affected anyone that I knew that filed.
      I know that for a fact as I was an employee representative for sometime while I worked there and helped employees with clearance problems for a number of years. And note that I worked on a nuclear sub base, and in electronics where some of the highest level clearances existed.
      Things may have changed since then but I am thinking they have not.
      Your BK has nothing to do with security or loyalty to the country.


        I needed to get secret clearance for a job I was going to do at the Pentagon. Because of my BK they had to send an investigator out who asked me about the BK and if I had a game plan to cut back on spending etc. he did ask about the house and at that time we were making payments and planned to stay. I did end up getting the clearance but was told I could not get top secret. Just my situation each may be different.
        Chp 7 Filled 2-21-08
        341 Hearing 3-24-08


          This helps so much. We will file during this interviewing process so this is great news...job is for DOD for Secret, not TS clearance.


            Does it make a difference if you tell them why you had to file BK? In our case it is directly related to emergency surgery, forever recovery in hospital, and the resultant medical bills. Should've filed while I was in the hospital, LOL!!


              Originally posted by flower04 View Post
              This helps so much. We will file during this interviewing process so this is great news...job is for DOD for Secret, not TS clearance.
              In my day discussing the level of clearance you held was a no no.
              I would not tell others of it if I were you.


                In myinterview he did ask and I told him the truth that it was due to unexpected second child, medical and living beyond ou means. he was OK with it. BTW it was DOD as well.
                Chp 7 Filled 2-21-08
                341 Hearing 3-24-08



                  May be a bit late for the question but here it is. I'm looking at the possibility of needing a Q clearance (TS) and I had a chapter 7 on 2005 so I've been looking at all possible sources of info. This is what I found:

                  A bankruptcy on its own will not cause you to lose or prevent you from gaining a clearance of any level.

                  What caused the bk is of prime importance: emergency, out of your control or stupid decisions

                  What you did after the bk is also important: great credit, pay your bills and maintain a sensible lifestyle or right back in debt

                  Time since bk is important: I've seen 3 years accepted but within a year not. They want to see a pattern in your financial habits

                  Each agency has its own requirements: DoD, DOE, CIA etc all have their own investigations and some will be more forgiving than others. They also will not accept each others clearances for the most part (a person with a clearance in the FBI will have to get one from the CIA to work with the CIA, stupid all the way around)

                  Great site that has different clearance appeals and the reason/judgement:

                  Hope this helps someone!

                  PS-TELL THEM EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Being honest will go a long way. Plus THEY WILL FIND OUT!


                    Originally posted by monkatom View Post
                    In myinterview he did ask and I told him the truth that it was due to unexpected second child, medical and living beyond ou means. he was OK with it. BTW it was DOD as well.
                    That phrase makes me laugh.
                    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                      It was unexpected as we were using the pill. Took over a year to get pregnant with the first while trying and oops pregnant with the second while taking precautions.
                      Chp 7 Filled 2-21-08
                      341 Hearing 3-24-08


                        I got interviewed about a former tenant of mine. Keep in mind, I had a landlord/tenant relationship with him, knew him when I saw him, but that was about it.

                        The guy from DOD came and talked to me about him, asked a bijillion questions, most of which my answer was like Homer Simpson. duh.... I don't know.

                        I knew the guy they were checking on was top notch material. You could tell that by his actions, his attitude, the way he paid his bills, and the way he maintained his apartment.

                        When the interview was over, the final question was something like: Do you know of any reason that any person could have anything "on him" that could be used for blackmail or breach of security?

                        That was the point of the entire interview. Could anyone "get to" him for anything.

                        Be honest. They're going to find out everything about you. The guy that did the interview with me was slow, very detailed oriented, and very good. Really nice guy, serving his country well.

                        Good luck!
                        All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
                        Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


                          Originally posted by monkatom View Post
                          It was unexpected as we were using the pill. Took over a year to get pregnant with the first while trying and oops pregnant with the second while taking precautions.
                          Oh...your pregnancy was had 9 months to expect the child!

                          I trust the unexpected little booger is doing well!
                          Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                            Other than the 666 on the back of his head he is great.
                            Chp 7 Filled 2-21-08
                            341 Hearing 3-24-08


                              I retired from law enforcement and work for a major aircraft company (starts with a "B")...BK (7) and a foreclosure did not affect my secret clearance one bit...just renewed in fact...But, be HONEST with the background investigators, hide nothing and you should be fine..


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