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How bad is this? (a little long)

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    How bad is this? (a little long)

    We're getting ready to file this month. I was finishing up our packet last night and one of the questions is "Have you used a CC in the last 60 days?" I jumped online and checked out all of our activity and found that March 4 two charges are on our Amex from QVC for a total of $58. One charge was for a 6 month easy pay option that I chose back in November. The other was for some special deodorizer for pets.

    When I made the purchases, I had no idea we were going to file. We've been able to make minimum payments and thought we were doing ok. It was only after using an online calculator that we realized that we were never going to dig out of the hole we are in. According to the calculator, it would take us 99.9 years to pay off our CCs at the rate we were paying.

    My Amex payment is due today ($386) My attorney had advised us to stop paying all of our CCs but I'm afraid it will look really bad to have made those charges in March and then never make another payment.

    Should I pay the $386? Financially it will really put us in a bind but I don't want to do anything to jeopardize our case.


    Nobody is worried about $386. Skip the payment and go ahead and file.


      The forms you were filling out were from the attorney, correct? I would Just fill the forms the attorney gave you truthfully and accurately and if there is a problem the attorney will let you know. I doubt there will be.

      Personally, I think it is highly unlikely that a creditor will bother with $58 in charges even 1 day before filing.


        Keepmine is correct. Advise your attorney of those two minor charges and follow your attorney's advice about stopping payments to everything. Will that six month easy pay option continue to be charged for your April billing from QVC as it appears it is a spread out payment started in November/December? Advise your attorney if so.
        Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
        Early Buy-Out: April 2006
        Discharge: August 2006

        "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


          Originally posted by Flamingo View Post
          Keepmine is correct. Advise your attorney of those two minor charges and follow your attorney's advice about stopping payments to everything. Will that six month easy pay option continue to be charged for your April billing from QVC as it appears it is a spread out payment started in November/December? Advise your attorney if so.
          No, once I realized we were going to file, I called them and paid it off with my debit card. There won't be any other charges.


            Thank yo for asking this question-can someone help me with an answer too? We have not filled for bk yet-later in the month. We have all of the paperwork filled out with attorney and counseling taken. BUT, we have continued to use our credit cards to get by. We HAVE paid our min.'s and will do so until we file. Are we going to get in to big time trouble for this?????? Our attorney NEVER told us to stop using the cards. HELP!!!!


              If you're still using your cc's to make ends meet you have a problem bk can't fix. Stop paying all unsecured debt and use those minimumpayments for your living expenses.


                We are so up-side -down it isn't even funny! we have 2 homes (long story, dh's had mid-life crises) It has been on the market for just about 2 years. Betewwe 2 homes, we have been paying over $7,000 a month in mortgages for majority of time. We have used ALL of our savings and our bills are so high, we can hardly see straight. Just stopped paying mortgage but are still trying to sell. Renters (short term) just moved out and are having to pay to get it back into shape to put on the market. Thus the cc usage. Also have to put plane ticket on cc to get there to make sure all is set on home. Before this second home, we NEVER had cc debt and had way over $100,000 in savings. Thus, once bk is done, and the house is gone, we will NEVER have this trouble again!!! Just want to know if we are going to get into trouble for using the cc dards right up until the date we file???


                  If these are luxury purchases like plane tickets or repairs to a rental home you may have an issue if a creditor decides to object. The rule is nonluxury purchases of over $600 within 90 days or filing or cash advances of $750 within 70 days. Were I you, I'd let my lawyer know what's going on.
                  If you're letting the rental go in bk, why are you spending money on repairs?


                    I will let the attorney know, thank you.


                      Are you filing a Chapter 7 BK? Why are you investing money into a property you'll lose in BK? Forget about selling the home. Let it go. Start fresh. You're wasting your money flying there to fix it for sale. Let the trustee or lender fix it and sell it.
                      Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                        QUESTION - within 90 days, can you make a "luxury" purchase with a debit card? My husband needs to purchase a plan ticket to look for a job....we will be filing in July.

                        ALSO - I have a bunch of purchases on my debit card at places like Walmart, Target, etc...each is usually about 200-300 dollars...will this look fishy? I am spending it on necessities (stocking up n abby supplies, etc) Does trustee actually looka t itemized receipts? Will they question every purchase on my debit card? SHould I use cash instead? Also, many times at the store I get cash back to use...will they question where the cash back went, or can they even see that?

                        ALSO - can the trustee question atm withrawals?

                        waiting to file in july-august,
                        waiting for Chase to begin foreclosure,
                        waiting for cc's to begin lawsuits,
                        just waiting (& "afraid")...


                          Using cash like this is not depleteing the bk estate. You're living a reasonable normal lifestyle.


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