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Advise ASAP

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    Advise ASAP

    The good news...I have an appt. in 1 hr with our atty.

    The bad news....I have $7.25 in my checking account to last until the end of the month.

    Please, does anyone have any suggestions on ways to come up with cash quickly. I need to have money just for groceries, etc.

    I paid all my current bills of necessity(sp?).....electric, phone, gas, etc. However some charges came through that I am going to dispute but that does not put any money in my pocket right now.

    Please, if anyone has suggestions I truly appreciated it.

    I'll check back as soon as I get home.

    Literally the $64 dollar question. It is March 5, there is a lot of month left. Not knowing where you live or what children you have, but Mrs. and I picked up aluminum cans on the side of road, and paid for several weekend trips on the proceeds. That actually can be fun. Be carful of course of traffic and wear some bright colored jacket or vest. Ebay but it takes time for payment. Family help? Pawn? (High interest on pawn). Best I can do as legal fast money but not much of it. Perhaps other’s can give better ideas. ‘Hub
    If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


      Post a request on Freecycle for food if you do not have any to get you through until you can sell something - anything you have.
      Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
      Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

      I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


        Do you have a consignment shop nearby that pays cash immediately? There are a couple of children's consignment shops in our area that will do that. Could you have a yard sale tomorrow? Is there a Craigslist for your area? List things as low as you can possibly go to get the money quickly. Also, there is a used sports store that used to pay cash for used sporting equipment...don't know if you have one of these in your area or not...


          Ebay. But you'll need a computer and digital camera to get your stuff on it to sell.

          Contract work?
          Read the Blog: My Personal Experience With Bankruptcy


            For emergency assistance I recommend these option either in this order or combined:

            1) Family
            2) Church
            3) Food banks
            4) Government aid office
            Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


              There may be another option for your area, but I'm not sure if it would interest you, since it doesn't interest most people. You could give a plasma donation. There are plasma donation centers all over the place, though not necessarily where you live. If you are in good health and willing to give of your time, this could be a possibility for you. I know that an hour drive away from where I live there is a plasma donation center where you can be paid $80 in your first week, and I think that is with two donations. You could check into it and see if it might be something that interests you. I considered it, but I am deathly afraid of needles and the nearest center is an hour drive away, so it wouldn't be worth it. From what I understand the process is similar to giving blood, except that the plasma is filtered out of the blood and then the rest is put back into you and it's much more time consuming. Just thought I would give you one more option to consider.


                Thank you for the suggestions.

                I cannot sell blood plasma as I have a medical condition thus making my blood no good to anyone.

                I am praying that I will be able to get in touch with my mom. She left today for vacation.

                It is unbelievable how quickly things can turn into a mess.

                On a good note, the lawyer seemed nice and very knowledgable, reliable, etc.
                He said that he would take a $300 deposit to start the filing. I hope to get the money by next week.
                He said our case wasn't as easy as others because of DH's higher salary, but with his salary being cut and health ins going up the atty thinks we'll pass the means test.
                His major concern is the "abuse of credit" but our history shows that these accounts are old and were in good standing until the decline in income. He has asked for a narative history so he will have all our life facts when presenting our case.

                I am still trying to figure out how to get some cash quick.
                Thanks again for your responses.


                  Unless you're being sued, why the rush to file?
                  DO you anticapte a tax refund coming anythime soon?


                    We are going to end up owing Fed taxes, possibly getting a small amount back from state (NC).

                    Most cc accounts have not been paid in 60+ days and quite a few have gone to collections, so I want to file, stop the phone calls and put all this behind us. I am working on a living budget where our future will be brighter, and we can start savings.


                      So, they've gone to collections and the phone is ringing-no big deal.
                      Right now, the problem isn't collection calls it's that $7 in the bank that has to last all month.
                      You need to use the cash you get for living expenses and not legal fees at tis point. I'd put off filing until you have a workable budget. Bk will do you no goofdunless, you know you can support yourself post bk.
                      Have you stopped paying all debts you'll eventually discharge?


                        I have not paid any bills except the household neccessities(sp?).

                        I really want to file asap to get this all behind us. DH is paid monthly so the first one to get paid next month with be the atty.

                        I am making a livabel buget and on paper is works out. This month I had to catch up on utlities and insurance, thus cutting it too close.

                        Thanks again for all the info and ideas.


                          I know the Salvation Army here in my area will pay a utility bill up to 250.00 if you have a termination notice.

                          I have never used the service, but one of my co-workers did and they paid the full 250.00 and she had a credit on her bill for the balance ( her bill wasn't 250.00. I was amazed that they paid more than what was owed.

                          You have to qualify income wise, I think?

                          You might try them and then see if you can skip one of the utiilities ( Gas, ELectric)


                            momxx5 - - are you going to be okay?
                            Much thanks for all the support and information I receive on this forum.
                            Chapter 7 filed 11/21/2008
                            341 Meeting 01/05/2009
                            Discharged 03/06/2009


                              I actually the can can be an adventure


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