I am getting ready to file my taxes for 2008. I had a house that I left in 2007 and the bank finally foreclosed on it in 2008. My bankruptcy included the house and was discharged and closed in 2008.
Do I need to do anything special on my taxes? Do I need to wait for any forms 1099C or 1099A I think are the forms for foreclosed houses (I could be wrong though - I'm new to all these IRS forms)?
I want to make sure I do everything right. My taxes are pretty straightforward this year except for the bankruptcy and I know if I didn't have the house that I would do my taxes just like I normally would with the bankruptcy not affecting anything. With that house involved though - it makes me leary.
Do I need to do anything special on my taxes? Do I need to wait for any forms 1099C or 1099A I think are the forms for foreclosed houses (I could be wrong though - I'm new to all these IRS forms)?
I want to make sure I do everything right. My taxes are pretty straightforward this year except for the bankruptcy and I know if I didn't have the house that I would do my taxes just like I normally would with the bankruptcy not affecting anything. With that house involved though - it makes me leary.