For some reason i thought student loans automatically went into forbearance the day you filed. I understand that they will not be discharged but i thought the payments were in deferral until after the bk was complete. Is this not the case?
The reason I ask is because I drew my checking account down to next to nothing and then was hit with a NSF fee because my student loan tried to auto debit. My bk was filed on 9/9 and the debit just tried to process on 9/21.
I would have notified the lender myself but I thought that it was automatic.
The reason I ask is because I drew my checking account down to next to nothing and then was hit with a NSF fee because my student loan tried to auto debit. My bk was filed on 9/9 and the debit just tried to process on 9/21.
I would have notified the lender myself but I thought that it was automatic.