ok, i'm a moron and i locked myself out of my pacer account before i ever got into it because i can't remember which pet i used for my security question. that means i can't see example filed Schedule Fs and this is where most of my creditors fall until regular office hours on monday when i can get the acocunt unlocked.
my questions:
thank you!
my questions:
- if you have collection agencies (CA) to list, as well as the original creditor (OC) - do you put the balance each has communicated to you, along with the account numbers they each have for you, or do you just list the debt once so everything adds up nice at the end? (i think i know the answer here but i want to be sure i don't goof up).
- if you have CAs that relate to an OC debt, do you break the alphabetical order to list them in the next row down from the OC?
- if your account numbers are too long for the little tiny space on the schedule, can you truncate it to the last several digits? if so - how many is enough?
- is anyone else frustrated with the CH7 NOLO book for not having any CAs in their example schedule? LOL.
- whyyyyy are the text entry fields so freaking small on the online fillable forms? i don't even know if i can squeeze the addresses and info in with a typewriter.
thank you!