For me, it isn't every collector. It's collectors like the AMEX one who told me that I didn't deserve to be taking up space here and that I should go to jail, etc.... I ended up in a mental health facility a couple of days later. I was already depressed and he pushed me over the edge. I would have sued him for mental duress, pain and suffering, and loss of wages if I had recorded the call. People like him are the ones who are scum and who don't deserve to take up space on the earth. I have had encounters with some very nice collectors who were not like that. So, in order to attack you, I would need to know if you too used illegal, scummy, lowlife tactics.
Did you? If you did, that is wrong. People have problems that cause financial issues. It is one thing to call and ask for $$$$. It is another to suggest people should kill themselves or tell them things that are illegal. Luckily, I now see that BK is a perfectly moral and legal way out. I wish more people knew this.
Did you? If you did, that is wrong. People have problems that cause financial issues. It is one thing to call and ask for $$$$. It is another to suggest people should kill themselves or tell them things that are illegal. Luckily, I now see that BK is a perfectly moral and legal way out. I wish more people knew this.