Originally posted by fltoo
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I wish it was just a gambling problem or a bad business adventure, or buying whatever I want on credit cards or my own bad decision in a marriage as there are no fun choices when you have an accident or need to get surgery.
AND...if people think everyone can just go out & buy health insurance then they dont have a clue.
you are probably right, fltoo. my whole BK seems to have been going on forever & I still cannot file, so somehow I must have rose above the entire BK/financial & emotional pain for these other body pains without realizing it, until just now. I am thankful that my health problems are not chronic
I hardly ever talk about BK any more as I know it like the back of my hand but I am still here
so, I think I stay here because of those who get hit with the triple whammy as we dont really know what pain is until it hits the body, the spine, broken bones, open nerves...so if I can get through it, someone else will be able to get through it.
but to become sick over worry about money? well, that is like going out to feed the ducks some old stale bread.