Hi, all. Here is my situation. I am from Russia and have been living in US for 5 yrs. I have alvays had perfect credit with a score about 750. Last October my wife and I decided to come to Russia to live and work for some time. Within 2 month we charged all my credit cards and took cash advances before we left. Total charges were about 70 K. There were charges for vacation trip and a golden ring, among all. My plan was to sell one of the houses my family has when going back to US and repaying the cards. But it did not work out this way.
We want to come back by the end of the year. I have about 35K in cash I can use to repay. Besides the cards, I have a federal loan to repay, abt. 8 K. I did not make a single payment on any card since January this year. I am thinking of filing a BK, but I am afraid that the case will be dismissed and classified as fraud. :-( What are the options here? Thanks for any ideas.
