I have a Sallie Mae Student Signature loan. They suck. I've had it since 2002. I've paid tons of interest and the principal has gone done very little.
Ok - the min. payment on this loan is something like 139 a month. For the past three months or so I've been paying 199 a month. Whever I pay more than the min. they like to extend out the min. payment because of course, they never want you to pay it down. And depending on how much more I pay, sometimes they lower the min. payment. Jerks! So this month I had to send in a letter with my payment asking them to apply it all to the principal.
I need to get this loan paid off and so on my schedule J I want to put 199 a month or even a little more. Do you think this would fly?
If not I could call Sallie Mae and insist on them upping the min payments. I'd rather not have to do this because it would mean a fight so I'd thought I'd ask first on the forum.
Ok - the min. payment on this loan is something like 139 a month. For the past three months or so I've been paying 199 a month. Whever I pay more than the min. they like to extend out the min. payment because of course, they never want you to pay it down. And depending on how much more I pay, sometimes they lower the min. payment. Jerks! So this month I had to send in a letter with my payment asking them to apply it all to the principal.
I need to get this loan paid off and so on my schedule J I want to put 199 a month or even a little more. Do you think this would fly?
If not I could call Sallie Mae and insist on them upping the min payments. I'd rather not have to do this because it would mean a fight so I'd thought I'd ask first on the forum.