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Is it ok to buy a new car 3-6 months before filing??

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    Is it ok to buy a new car 3-6 months before filing??

    The car I have now is salvaged with over 100k miles on it...just trying to plan ahead

    I bought a car 1 month before I filed. The previous car I owned had 140,000 miles on it (Honda Accord/4dr Sedan), it got flooded in front of the casino I was at (OF ALL PLACES!). The insurance company didn't total the thing as I expected. I had no car payments on it (well I was paying for it through my 401k plan). I called my lawyer and he said just take the money they are willing to give you (which was $1700 for a new engine) and get yourself into a new car BEFORE you file. I hopped into a plain HYUNDAI SONATA (and I love that car over my HONDA, believe it or not!). At my 341 meeting I just had to prove 1-2 payments. You should be fine!

    July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
    Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
    Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
    Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


      Yes you can, I also did. Just dont put to much money equity.


        I bought one 31 days before filing. My wife bought another a week later.
        Filed Ch7 3/6/08 [X]
        341 hearing 4/10/08 [X]
        Last day for Objections 6/9/08 [X]
        Discharge AND Closed 6/23/08 [X]


          Our lawyer told us it was fine, as we are surrendering one of the cars we own due to massive engine damage. We bought a $6K used Explorer. LOVE IT.
          341 on 8/3, determined NO ASSET
          60 day wait was over on 10/3/08. Discharged 12/23/08


            I was told by a lawyer that she has had clients come directly from a dealership after buying a car to file bk.


              I did - last summer. 6.5 interest rate. I will reaffirm the car. It will last me.
              Filed Chapter 7 Pro-Se May 29, 2008
              341 July 1, 2008
              Discharged September 4, 2008
              Closed November 10, 2008 :-)


                Not only can you buy a car before filing but as long as you don't put too much down it will probably help your bankruptcy, if you end up having a larger monthly car payment than you had before. You will also probably get a better rate than you'd get after bankruptcy, and it's good to have a reliable car as you "get back on your feet" financially. Just don't strap yourself with a big monthly payment, keep it reasonable; don't buy a Lexus or something, keep it simple and reliable (and not a gas guzzler!).(Now, if you already have a good car, I would not necessarily go buy a new one just to qualify for bankruptcy; but if your car is old and you can "justify" buying a new one based on wanting a more reliable car, then I'd do it.

                Most of the financial experts say it's best to buy a 2-5 year old car; otherwise you are paying too much for just having a "new car". If you live in a big city and really rely on your car a lot, I personally would go ahead and buy a new one and get the bumper-to-bumper service warranty too (but talk them down to about $900 for it for 5 years).
                <<I am NOT an attorney, my comments are anecdotal only. Contact an attorney for advice>>


                  As stated above me, car loan also assisted me in my BK. After calculating my schedules, I needed a $500 car payment to get me in the clear for the means test and my schedules. I ended up with a $575, didn't get questioned a peep during the entire process, then promptly returned the vehicle after my BK was closed. It saved me from a ch13...


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