I was in a very bad car accident which may result in my wife and I losing our house. We are being foreclosed on and are trying to work out repayment details with the mortgage company. Meanwhile the original sellers of the house have carried part of the loan to the tune of $85,000. My wife is the only one on the mortgage and the only one on the 2nd loan the other party holds. After finding out about a possible foreclosure they showed up with another contract for me to sign which they said gave them extra backup. In the contract it states that they can collect the $85,000 from me even in the event of bankruptcy. I am injured (broken shoulder blade, broken elbow,broken ribs, broken L2 vertebrae, torn rotator cuff, broken ribs) and signed this without putting the proper due diligence into it.....have I screwed myself or will this stand in a court of law.....they drew it up by using wording they found on the internet.....please help.