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341 docs

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    341 docs

    I know you take a picture ID &SS card. How far back do you need bank statements ( I get mine via internet). Any other types of paperwork?
    I'm guessing vehicle titles and any current bills that you are paying.
    I rent, take my lease?
    I pay child care to a lady to watch my 4 month old. no receipts.
    student loans?
    car insurance?
    I spend app. 150. a week on food and diappers, don't usually keep those receipts
    utility bill, phone?
    Filed BK 3-31-08
    341 meeting 5-16-08
    discharge 7-18-08
    Fico 595 pre filing, Fico 587 post filing

    If California is any indication of national customs, you're really over-thinking this. In my district (Central California), all that's required is ID, SSN card, and most recent year's federal tax return. Nothing else.

    If you have an attorney, you should probably ask him/her... Otherwise, just give your trustee a call and ask them what you need to bring.


      Are you filing pro se or using an attorney?

      If your using an attorney, he will notify you of everything you need to bring to the 341.......

      If filing pro se, you need to do a lot of serious reading of manuals here on the forum and ask lots of questions before you attemp to file your own bankruptcy....

      "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

      My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


        Minnymouth, like your avitar. Yes i will be doing it pro se, I have read a lot of information. I was considering the online service bridgeport bankruptcy for the paper work, but I see that I can download the docs and fill them in myself . I now fall below the medium income on the new means monthly test by 55.00. I have read the tac bankruptcy manual and looked over the actual BK code. But anything else I should read (on this site, I was considering the new Noles book) or any advise would be greatly appreciated.
        Filed BK 3-31-08
        341 meeting 5-16-08
        discharge 7-18-08
        Fico 595 pre filing, Fico 587 post filing


          I've heard some of the them talk about the "bankrutpcy for dummies" book that speaks in laymans terms regarding questions about bankruptcy.

          I have used a lot of the "dummy books" over the years in other fields and found them very helpfull.

          Check out some the "stickies" in the General Bankruptcy Section and see what books others have used.

          Good luck, keep us posted

          "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

          My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


            Originally posted by Minnymouth View Post
            I've heard some of the them talk about the "bankrutpcy for dummies" book that speaks in laymans terms regarding questions about bankruptcy.

            I have used a lot of the "dummy books" over the years in other fields and found them very helpfull.

            Check out some the "stickies" in the General Bankruptcy Section and see what books others have used.

            Good luck, keep us posted
            I completely OD'd on those books right afte I filed. I got four books and read them all within that evening. Maybe that was why I kept asking what if? HAHA. Good times, good times.
            Filed November 2 2007
            341 Meeting January 4 2008
            DISCHARGED March 11 2008


              Thanks BKcrazy.
              Maybe I'm over thinking. but everything I read gives you this sinking feeling. With the new means test stantard I fall just below the standard based on my base pay. but every blue moon I some time make a little extra money 100.00 a month.

              Do we show the trustee our pay stubs or give them to the court when sending in the paper work.
              Filed BK 3-31-08
              341 meeting 5-16-08
              discharge 7-18-08
              Fico 595 pre filing, Fico 587 post filing


                You give the pay stubs, tax returns, etc to the trustee. You can call the trustee's office and inquire as to what docs you'll need. Tell them up front you're pro se (they get kinda pissed when people who have an atty call them directly because then they are doing your atty's work for him) and they will tell you, or send you a letter, with everything you need to know. BTW, don't sweat it too hard: the worst that can happen if you don't bring the right docs to the 341 is that it gets continued (postponed), and you come back later with them. No harm, no foul. So don't worry too hard about that part. Good luck!!!
                Nolo Press book on filing Chapter 7, there are others too. (I have no affiliation with Nolo Press; just a happy customer.) Best wishes to you!


                  if you are that close to qualifying for 7, I would seriously consider using an attorney!

                  I am a prose advocate but since the new law, if you aee not a slam dunk least go for some free consultations.
                  Chapter 7 Pro Se....Discharged Feb. 2006


                    I just don't have the money for one. Thanks
                    Filed BK 3-31-08
                    341 meeting 5-16-08
                    discharge 7-18-08
                    Fico 595 pre filing, Fico 587 post filing


                      I just don't have the money for one. I guess that is what the CC lobbyists wanted. Thanks

                      Well, I did some calculations. I added up every weeks pay from Sept. 1(first paycheck of the month) throught feb 23 last payday in the month, we would will be under the 6 month limted by 2427.93 even with the few extra days of payl eft in the Feb. I don't think it will put us over the limited.
                      Filed BK 3-31-08
                      341 meeting 5-16-08
                      discharge 7-18-08
                      Fico 595 pre filing, Fico 587 post filing


                        don't some lawyers allow "payments?" Just asking. Once you get it all filed, you don't need to pay bills for a while and the lawyer can be paid. The lawyer I am attempting to hire gave me a HUGE questionnaire that will take weeks to fill out and to find all the forms and stubs. He wanted six months of all my payments, utility bills, everything, I obviously can't give him my grocery receipts either.
                        Not all those who wander are lost....

                        --J. R. R. Tolkien


                          The attoney needs everything, a double check, there are responable for mistakes and if you lied.
                          Filed BK 3-31-08
                          341 meeting 5-16-08
                          discharge 7-18-08
                          Fico 595 pre filing, Fico 587 post filing


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