I have read in a few post that Countrywide will not reafirm a morgage after a chapter 7.
Is this a Countrywide policy or do the decide on a case by case basis?
If a mortgage company does not reafirm a mortgage what does this mean?
I assume that if I stay current on the loan I can stay in the home and if I choose I can walk away, since the debt is technicaly discharged I would not be acountable for said debt. Is this a correct assumption?
If this is the case why would Countrywide not reafirm?
If they dont reafirm can they take possesion of the home and/or demand a certain amount of money if by chance the housing market skyrockets? How would this lack of reafirmation effect the selling of the home and any equity in the home?
Is this a Countrywide policy or do the decide on a case by case basis?
If a mortgage company does not reafirm a mortgage what does this mean?
I assume that if I stay current on the loan I can stay in the home and if I choose I can walk away, since the debt is technicaly discharged I would not be acountable for said debt. Is this a correct assumption?
If this is the case why would Countrywide not reafirm?
If they dont reafirm can they take possesion of the home and/or demand a certain amount of money if by chance the housing market skyrockets? How would this lack of reafirmation effect the selling of the home and any equity in the home?