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Need help in regards to MAJOR GAMBLING DEBT!!

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    Mesa~ how are you doing? I could feel the desperation in your post. Keep us posted and Best of luck to you.


      I just wanted to chime in with my thoughts...

      IMHO, "O" for OPINION!

      Sounds like you need to push the "reset" button on your life. The best news you've got is the fact you're single and have no kids. IMO, I'd walk away from it all and lie low for a good year or two. Live in some apartment somewhere new address, new phone number, etc. whomever sues sues, etc, etc, lawsuits will probably fly, things will get repo'd. Heck, I would even advocate moving to another country for a while! It's like the hole you dug is sooo deep it doesn't matter too much anymore, and running around worried about a chapt. 7 a week after a 22K cash advance?? It, obviously, ain't gonna fly. IMO, I'd walk and live a real simple cash only under the table life for a while, sort of like a "cold turkey" financial "de-tox"... Heck, if you can, join the military, you obviously need help and a serious lifestyle change (and I mean that in a good way, NOT sarcastically ), but you're the only one that can do it when you're ready. Detach yourself from materialism.
      Last edited by zwiepak; 11-05-2007, 09:10 PM. Reason: wanted to add something...


        Do your homework before filing

        My husband and I filed Ch 7 in March, had our 341 mtg in June. The trustee saw gambling income on our tax returns and wanted copies of all our casino win/loss statements sent to him. We had another meeting today with a US BK trustee, the original Ch 7 trustee was also present. They wanted details on how much we spent on gambling in the last year, how much of our unsecured debt was for gambling, how much credit card usage over the past 3 years was for gambling. Questions that you think you're ready for but at that moment you can't answer off the top of your head, we've already sent them all our statements. Where did the money come from if not from credit cards. We're slot players and it's hard to explain to non-gamblers how the gross win/loss and net loss differ, they didn't really want to hear it either. All this lead to the Ch 7 trustee wanting copies of all our home loan applications, deeds of trust and escrow for our home (in floreclosure) and other rental property which is also included in our Ch7. By the way he asked for these of another filer who had multiple properties.

        Does anyone know where this is all going? Are we going to get declined? Is there a problem if our tax returns don't match our loan apps? I don't know the loan agent did most of the paperwork.



          If you had cancer you would not seek help? Think of gambling addiction as a disease, cancer that is slowing killing you!

          I don’t have a gambling problem but I do see a wonderful therapist for my stress and anxiety problems! Find the right one, I saw 3 before I hit pay dirt!

          I think your on the right track, just realizing you have a problem is a big step!


            Originally posted by zwiepak View Post
            I just wanted to chime in with my thoughts...

            IMHO, "O" for OPINION!

            Sounds like you need to push the "reset" button on your life. The best news you've got is the fact you're single and have no kids. IMO, I'd walk away from it all and lie low for a good year or two. Live in some apartment somewhere new address, new phone number, etc. whomever sues sues, etc, etc, lawsuits will probably fly, things will get repo'd. Heck, I would even advocate moving to another country for a while! It's like the hole you dug is sooo deep it doesn't matter too much anymore, and running around worried about a chapt. 7 a week after a 22K cash advance?? It, obviously, ain't gonna fly. IMO, I'd walk and live a real simple cash only under the table life for a while, sort of like a "cold turkey" financial "de-tox"... Heck, if you can, join the military, you obviously need help and a serious lifestyle change (and I mean that in a good way, NOT sarcastically ), but you're the only one that can do it when you're ready. Detach yourself from materialism.

            Good advice.
            "Paper is poverty,... it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1788


              Just wanted to give an update in regards to my situation... I am still barely able to make all of my monthly bills here however have been paying since my major screw up last Sep 07 when I made a large cash advance and blew it in Las Vegas... Money has been very tight and almost ready to run out here however I am trying like hell to pay a little more than the monthly minimums on my credit cards so that when and if I decide to file bankruptcy I wont be tied up in court forever...

              Have been going to 2 counseling sessions a week for my gambling problem, have been placed on prozac which helps however makes me feel rundown.. Had a replase in December however after being placed on medication almost two months ago I have not placed a wager... Just wish I would have been placed on this medication 15 years ago!!

              Since I first posted the economy has gotten much worse and am shocked by the horrible housing market, gas prices and bankrupcy filings... I guess if I had to pick a "perect" time to get into serious financial trouble I am not alone here...

              Just dont know what I was thining over the last several years by gambling all the money that I did... the credit card industry needs to not allow anyone to use credit cards in casino locations and I am shocked when I drive by a casino, of course not stopping, and seeing all of the cars in the parking lot!


                Mesa! Great to hear from you and GREAT to hear that you are going to counseling 2 times a week!!!! I have actually thought about you a couple of times recently and wondered how you are.

                Keep up posted!
                Chapter 7 Pro Se....Discharged Feb. 2006


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