I haven't been on board in a while. Lots going on. My first visit to this forum was Christmas Day 2006.
Hubby and I are over 120K in unsecured cc debt. I took a gamble on my new business....thinking I would be so successful. Then I started having health issues, couldn't keep dependable employees and long story short.....got deep in debt and now no hope of ever paying it back.
We haven't used our cc since last September. I have seen a couple of attorneys over the past year about BK but just waiting to file 2 years of income taxes, get them back, buy a used vehicle and then file BK.
Then, in January, my Mom was dx with a rare brain cancer. So I have been back and forth to my hometown to help my sister take care of her.
My (grown) children's father (my ex and good friend) had a stroke in April and passed on. We are still reeling from that.
I finally let my Highlander go back so now we are down to one vehicle. I have learned to live on a budget and all I want is to keep my house.
So, 4 weeks ago, I had surgery and dx with cancer. I have a supplemental cancer policy, THANK GOD, that will help pay for expenses. The cancer was incorrectly staged, so now I'm going for a second opinion at a cancer center in another state. All travel expenses, lodging, insurance co-pays have to be paid up front.
Which brings me to this thread. I still have 2005, 2006 and soon 2007 taxes to file. I know I'm getting refunds and planned on buying a dependable used car with the money and also fix ongoing plumbing problems in our house.
So, I can't see filing BK for a long time. Mainly because I'll be getting checks for cancer treatment and I don't want to hand that over to the trustee. I realize I made the debts, and regret it more than anyone probably. I will want to wait at least 6 months after radiation to think about filing.
Okay, my problem is I need a secured credit card. No, I'm not nuts. I have to have one in my name for flights, lodging and car rentals for a minimum of 6 weeks while getting treatment. I will definitely pay the cc balance in full each month.
Can someone help me out here? Do you see the big picture?? I do
not need reprimanding. I am scared to death now for my life, literally and it just keeps getting worse.
Any help on where I can get a reputable secured card?
I'll start other thread for more questions. Just need some help now.
Thanks in advance,
Hubby and I are over 120K in unsecured cc debt. I took a gamble on my new business....thinking I would be so successful. Then I started having health issues, couldn't keep dependable employees and long story short.....got deep in debt and now no hope of ever paying it back.
We haven't used our cc since last September. I have seen a couple of attorneys over the past year about BK but just waiting to file 2 years of income taxes, get them back, buy a used vehicle and then file BK.
Then, in January, my Mom was dx with a rare brain cancer. So I have been back and forth to my hometown to help my sister take care of her.
My (grown) children's father (my ex and good friend) had a stroke in April and passed on. We are still reeling from that.
I finally let my Highlander go back so now we are down to one vehicle. I have learned to live on a budget and all I want is to keep my house.
So, 4 weeks ago, I had surgery and dx with cancer. I have a supplemental cancer policy, THANK GOD, that will help pay for expenses. The cancer was incorrectly staged, so now I'm going for a second opinion at a cancer center in another state. All travel expenses, lodging, insurance co-pays have to be paid up front.
Which brings me to this thread. I still have 2005, 2006 and soon 2007 taxes to file. I know I'm getting refunds and planned on buying a dependable used car with the money and also fix ongoing plumbing problems in our house.
So, I can't see filing BK for a long time. Mainly because I'll be getting checks for cancer treatment and I don't want to hand that over to the trustee. I realize I made the debts, and regret it more than anyone probably. I will want to wait at least 6 months after radiation to think about filing.
Okay, my problem is I need a secured credit card. No, I'm not nuts. I have to have one in my name for flights, lodging and car rentals for a minimum of 6 weeks while getting treatment. I will definitely pay the cc balance in full each month.
Can someone help me out here? Do you see the big picture?? I do
not need reprimanding. I am scared to death now for my life, literally and it just keeps getting worse.
Any help on where I can get a reputable secured card?
I'll start other thread for more questions. Just need some help now.
Thanks in advance,