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Avoiding unauthorized ACH transactions by creditors

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    Avoiding unauthorized ACH transactions by creditors

    I'm kind of paranoid about unauthorized ACH transactions posting to my account from creditors that I have previously paid directly this way. The trouble is that once you have approved a transaction, it's difficult to prove to the bank's satisfaction that subsequent transactions aren't authorized.

    I talked with my credit union about the problem and there was little they would do for me except a stop-payment request that requires me to know the source of the transaction and the amount. (Yeah, right.) The only other solution involves me closing the account which I'm not exactly ready to do right now. filing a complaint after the transaction is too late to avoid the damage being done and it's not clear that the transaction will be reversed.

    Sure enough, today I get a call from one of the credit cards demanding that I let them debit a payment from my account to correct my past-due status. I told them no-way but now I'm worried.

    I decided to log on to each of my accounts and remove the Routing and Transit Number and Account Number on file to make it a little more difficult for them. At least this way I can say I intended to revoke their permission.

    Bank of America was particularly difficult because they wouldn't let me remove the information unless I provided new account information -- jerks.

    In a fit of cleverness I tried to submit no information and I wasn't suprised that the website rejected it because the Routing and Transit Number wasn't valid. I'm pretty proud of my next idea because I gave them a valid Routing and Transit number -- for Bank of America! I tried to give them my credit card number for the account number but there were too many digits. Instead, the website was happy to have their own Bank of America ACH number along with an account number of all zeros. Hah!

    If you have a similar need, you can find the ACH Routing and Transit Numbers for other finincial institutions here...

    Routing and Transit Number Lookup Link
    Discharged November 2008 100 days after filing no-asset Chapter 7. We intended to let a two-year-old vehicle go back to the bank and reaffirm an inexpensive ten-year-old SUV and our home mortgage. In the end we surrendered ALL of our vehicles and reaffirmed NOTHING. We'll "ride through" our mortgage after the court ruled it an undue hardship.

    I appreciate the idea, but something makes me think that BOA might keep backups of their data somewhere? I'm guessing they can track when changes are made to the account and go back and find the bank account number if they want to. Good luck though...I actually made sure all of my information was 100% accurate before I stopped paying them. I'm hoping this will make them think I have no intention of not paying them so they will take it easy until I can file...not working so far. Constant calls and harassment anyways. I'm no attorney, but I don't think they can just start debiting your account at will...there will be a warning, although I don't know what that looks and/or sounds like yet since my creditors haven't tried to hit me where it hurts yet.
    Filed Ch 7 - January 29th, 2008
    341 - February 29th, 2008
    Discharge - June 20th, 2008
    Closed - October, 2008


      one ideal is to cancel the debit card you use to pay the account with and get a new it will have a different exp date. Also you could have bank flag your acct for any debit transaction if they do it no debits would go thru for 30 days


        Originally posted by sandhall View Post
        one ideal is to cancel the debit card you use to pay the account with and get a new it will have a different exp date. Also you could have bank flag your acct for any debit transaction if they do it no debits would go thru for 30 days
        These aren't setup using a debit card, it's that actual routing and account number. The Credit Union had no option to block ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions whatsoever. They tell you to call the company you authorized the payments to.

        Originally posted by leftyf View Post
        I appreciate the idea, but something makes me think that BOA might keep backups of their data somewhere? I'm guessing they can track when changes are made to the account and go back and find the bank account number if they want to. Good luck though...I actually made sure all of my information was 100% accurate before I stopped paying them. I'm hoping this will make them think I have no intention of not paying them so they will take it easy until I can file...not working so far. Constant calls and harassment anyways. I'm no attorney, but I don't think they can just start debiting your account at will...there will be a warning, although I don't know what that looks and/or sounds like yet since my creditors haven't tried to hit me where it hurts yet.
        They may keep backups and the plan may not work but it's the only thing I can do other than send a letter demanding they stop. At least I can say I took an affermative action to try and revoke my previous permission.
        Last edited by Keebler; 07-25-2007, 08:00 PM.
        Discharged November 2008 100 days after filing no-asset Chapter 7. We intended to let a two-year-old vehicle go back to the bank and reaffirm an inexpensive ten-year-old SUV and our home mortgage. In the end we surrendered ALL of our vehicles and reaffirmed NOTHING. We'll "ride through" our mortgage after the court ruled it an undue hardship.


          I may be stating the obvious, but it sounds like it's time to clear out the account and leave town...get a new account at a bank where you don't have credit cards or loans and make that your new account. Don't tell anyone and you won't have to literally leave town. It sounds like you may not want to do that right now, but I'd at least have the other account open and only transfer what you need to your credit union. I apologize if I'm not understanding something here.
          Filed Ch 7 - January 29th, 2008
          341 - February 29th, 2008
          Discharge - June 20th, 2008
          Closed - October, 2008


            I'm with lefty.

            Might be time to start a new account at another credit union/bank in your area. It would cause a little hassle I know, but better than losing your money. Just make sure its not someone that you have debt with.
            May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
            July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
            September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


              I'm in a similar situation. I am in a payment plan with BoA (formorly mbna) amd with Citi (att univ). They got me this month, but I'm looking ahead now to next month trying to stop payment because I'm in the planning stages of going to see an attny about filing BK13.

              Should I call them first and see if they'll cancel? Or should I just go ahead and open a new account with another bank? My current bank account I have is with Regions, and I am $500 in the hole with them on overdraft protection.
              Filed Ch7 - 10/2/07 no asset
              341 Meeting - 10/29/07
              Discharge - March 2008 forgot the date


                If you authrized them to take out the monthly payments on or before the due date, you basically authorize them to do it every month. You can talk yourself black and blue at your own bank stopping these automatic payments, ain't gonna happen. If you really just want to "click & pay", also mark the little box which says "one-time payment only". If the next month they initiate an automatic withdrawal, file a police report and sue the bums.


                  Which BofA ACH number to use?

                  There were so many on that list. Does it matter which one I use? I have a World Travelers CC through Bank of America. I'm trying to delete the payment method for my checking account on their website but it won't let me without a replacement. The return Bank of America address on my CC statement is not on that list. Should I just pick any one?
                  Filed Chapter 7: 4/3/09
                  341 meeting: 5/6/09
                  Discharged: 7/24/09
                  Closed: 7/29/09


                    Originally posted by WC Nurse View Post
                    There were so many on that list. Does it matter which one I use? I have a World Travelers CC through Bank of America. I'm trying to delete the payment method for my checking account on their website but it won't let me without a replacement. The return Bank of America address on my CC statement is not on that list. Should I just pick any one?
                    Don't do any of these. Just write them something like this:

                    I am hereby revoking the authorization for you to automatically debit my bank account for any credit cards/loans that I might have with you. From now on I will send you my own forms of payment.
                    Be advised that any future automatic debits by you will be considered theft.


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