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Great :-(

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    Great :-(

    I went to the dentist yesterday for a cleaning and found out I need 5-7k in work (teeth pulled, bridges, ect.) The x-rays don't lie and the time has come that it has to be done now.

    I do not have that kind of money. I have a few thousand, not 5-7. Situations like this is what contributed to my high debt to begin with. And even though I've been on this board learning about bk as an option, I've still been trying to pay down my debt.

    Just can't win.
    Filed Chapter 7 Pro-Se May 29, 2008
    341 July 1, 2008
    Discharged September 4, 2008
    Closed November 10, 2008 :-)

    I hear you. I have a tooth that needs a root canal and even though my husbands insurance pays 80/20 you have to pay for the work up front and then they reimburse you. I don't have $2000 to give my dentist. So my tooth will get taken care of one of these days


      I hope you all can take care of your tooth / teeth soon as most health issues come from ones teeth !

      Best Wishes, CMIYC
      July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
      Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
      Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
      Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


        You need to find a different dentist. Root canals shouldn't cost more than $300-600 maybe. Not $2000!


          True, but are you getting a crown? I know my root canal cost about 6-700 and than I decided to get a crown to boot, and additional 1-1500 several years ago. But I was able to pay my dentist off monthly, I was sending her $25 a month! I could have given her more or paid her off sooner, but I was so mad at her, she didn't do a good job, so she got her money SLOWLY !

          July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
          Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
          Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
          Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


            So sorry to hear about your sick teeth, danaf

            Do you live near a school of dentistry? Often these schools run public clinics - you can have your dental work done there at a much reduced cost and often at a higher level of quality than some practicing dentists! It's worth checking out in your circumstances. You can find a list of dental schools in the US here -
            I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

            06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
            06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
            07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
            10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
            01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
            09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
            06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
            08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

            10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
            Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


              I sort of know how you feel. I took my 12 year old daughter to the dentist a couple weeks ago and they told me she needs braces. $5K. She was all excited of course until I explained to her that there is no way we can afford that right now. They had a payment plan but it was still $178 per month with $800 down! She'll have to wait a couple years until we can afford it. I was totally taken off guard because I didn't notice she needed them.
              10/12/2007 Filed Chapter 711/08/2007 341 Meeting 01/07/2008 Last Day for Objections


                My child will need braces soon too. I have NO idea where to get the money for it. I may go overseas to get the initial work done next year. Yes, it would actually be cheaper!
                We have all our dental work done overseas. And physicals. We are lucky to have family in a country with cheap, quality healthcare.
                ch7 8/07 CLOSED: 11/07 Rebuilding and saving.
                WAMU unsecured $2,000 Capital One unsecured $500
                PAID OFF MONTHLY!!!


                  I'm afraid to go to the dentist , afraid he'd tell me something similar. I finally after filing this year made it to the eye doctor for the first time in 4 years, so maybe some day.

                  I hope you guys get your teeth taken care of
                  May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
                  July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
                  September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                    Yeah I will need a crown. It is going to run around $1700 for both.



                      My child will need braces soon too. I have NO idea where to get the money for it. I may go overseas to get the initial work done next year. Yes, it would actually be cheaper!
                      We have all our dental work done overseas. And physicals. We are lucky to have family in a country with cheap, quality healthcare.

                      I hear alot of people do that, like the filipinos I work with they always fly back to their country to get dental or any healthwork done because it is "cheaper," but I never understood that because you are paying to and from just to get the work done to begin with, you don't factor THAT into the cost? At least, $1000 for a roundtrip ticket?

                      Just my thoughts, curiosity CMIYC
                      July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
                      Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
                      Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
                      Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                        Last time my daughter needed work done it was estimated at least $1,000 and we got it done in Korea for $120 or so. (She had triple teeth that needed pulling)
                        We go anyhow to visit my inlaws so its not a big deal. My MIl cant fly due to serious heart problems so they help fund our trips there, saying that is thier 'vacation' money. Seeing What a holiday!
                        The plane tickets are a kicker to Asia though. They run about $4,400 for two adults two kids in the summer months, and thats if you buy ahead. OUCH!!!
                        16 hours in coach class with two kids aint no party either.
                        ch7 8/07 CLOSED: 11/07 Rebuilding and saving.
                        WAMU unsecured $2,000 Capital One unsecured $500
                        PAID OFF MONTHLY!!!


                          Root Canals are expensive...

                          ...My "redo" on a root canal that was probably done in 1991 was $1K back in 2003. There was absolutely no way I could not fix a root canal immediately...oh my god, the pain is too much plus the infection can back down into other teeth.
                          Filed Oct 2005discharged February 2007,Shapeless in the fire's glow, tell me if you think you know,
                          Who it was we were below, where we've been and where we go


                            OUCH!! Actually, the last work my daughter had in Korea was done to soon to our return flight home. The pressure of the flight caused her a major toothache. the dentist there warned us. She had a root canal done on one tooth.( She has very weak teeth. She had crunched down on a candy and broke her tooth once. )
                            Anyhow, later it absessed and we had to have the work done here. They ended up pulling it out and putting in a spacer. All that for nothing!!! The poor kid, that root canal was awful for her too.
                            Amis, I feel for you.
                            ch7 8/07 CLOSED: 11/07 Rebuilding and saving.
                            WAMU unsecured $2,000 Capital One unsecured $500
                            PAID OFF MONTHLY!!!


                              Originally posted by danaf View Post
                              I went to the dentist yesterday for a cleaning and found out I need 5-7k in work (teeth pulled, bridges, ect.) The x-rays don't lie and the time has come that it has to be done now.

                              I do not have that kind of money. I have a few thousand, not 5-7. Situations like this is what contributed to my high debt to begin with. And even though I've been on this board learning about bk as an option, I've still been trying to pay down my debt.

                              Just can't win.
                              This is one where if you have available credit on a cc, use the card and a few months {try for 6 months} later, file bk. Medical debt is not considered a luxury purchase.
                              Time to get a little coldblooded. You need the dental work far more than a cc company needs the money.


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