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needing to file chapter 7 but really confused!!!!!

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    needing to file chapter 7 but really confused!!!!!

    I am married with 2 children who go to private schools which i pay 10 months out of the year in tuition. Do I need to list that when I file. I was going to try and file online because I can't afford an attorney ($1,000 -$1800) I have a mortgage where I work which I would reafirm and my husband has a c/o credit card (same place where I work) and they filed a judgement on him so I strated paying "$50 every 2 weeks out of my pay to keep good faith with my employer, how do I put that in the bankruptcy and then I have a personal loan holding the title to 1995 blazer that my husband is comaker on and haven't paid on it for at least a year because my husband lost his job in late 2005 and the truck has been in the garage so many times and all i did was fork money out to try and fix it, well he got a job but the pay is not what he use to make and all i want to do is just get rid of the truck and the loan ($12,000) truck isn't worth $3,000.00 Can i do this, plus i have over $3,000.00 in medical bills that most are in collections at least 2 credit cards that are in collections my net incom with my husbands is $2,400.00 a month mtg pymt $456.00, utilties monthly $400.00, c/o cc $50 tuition $200 groceries $250-$300 plus paying $365 for car payment but not in our name in mother in law name because we need a vehicle to get to work and couldn't get a loan and own 1 vehicle 1995 escort no lien is there any help for us?

    Definitely see a couple lawyers (the first initial consultations are FREE!). You have a lot going on here, and a lawyer would best be able to lay everything out.

    Best of Luck, CMIYC
    July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
    Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
    Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
    Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


      EEK. Most trustees, from what Ive seen dont allow big amounts for private school. I saw the education amounts and nobody could send their kid to private school around here with them. I would get a free lawyer consult. Even if only to get an idea where you stand.

      I personally would not file w/o a lawyer. This has been a rollar coaster ride and I havent even filed yet. Had I not retained a lawyer I would be a wreck with all the agressive collections, phone calls at my husbands work now, mean letters... Do you have a tax return coming you could use? Thats what I did.
      Best of luck to you!
      ch7 8/07 CLOSED: 11/07 Rebuilding and saving.
      WAMU unsecured $2,000 Capital One unsecured $500


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