Any of you out there? Out of curiousity did tustees and lawyers ask you why you were home and not working? Last time you worked? Give you a hard time?
Im in the middle of my free consults. I have had TWO lawyers so far kind of question this. I dont get it . Common sense would tell anyone unless I had the ability to earn mega bucks to pay for childcare and another car + gas, let alone lunches & clothes its next to impossible for me. We are $50,000 below median income right now, and some want to disucss us going chater 13!!!!! Is this just a bunch of jerks? I even told someone would also have to be here to check in on my mother because she cant even keep the house clean and cook anymore. She has mental issues as well as physical.
My nerves are so twisted now. Then I try to talk to my friend who suggests I put my kid in state run daycare, get a teen ager to watch my other one after school, and not even bother w/this because its going to make me like a looser for 7 years and the lawyers probably just think we are loosers milking the system. She said my husband should take on two more jobs too.
Has anyone ever talked to you like this? Sometimes I think I am to nice. I must have 'DumbA**' written across my face. I didnt mean to be in this position. I dont want to be in it. I want to fix it & never be in it again. Im trying my best. Maybe its because I live in a high income area.
I have NO SUPPORT from anyone except here. None. Not even church pals. Everyone wants to judge.
Thanks for letting me rant.
Im in the middle of my free consults. I have had TWO lawyers so far kind of question this. I dont get it . Common sense would tell anyone unless I had the ability to earn mega bucks to pay for childcare and another car + gas, let alone lunches & clothes its next to impossible for me. We are $50,000 below median income right now, and some want to disucss us going chater 13!!!!! Is this just a bunch of jerks? I even told someone would also have to be here to check in on my mother because she cant even keep the house clean and cook anymore. She has mental issues as well as physical.
My nerves are so twisted now. Then I try to talk to my friend who suggests I put my kid in state run daycare, get a teen ager to watch my other one after school, and not even bother w/this because its going to make me like a looser for 7 years and the lawyers probably just think we are loosers milking the system. She said my husband should take on two more jobs too.
Has anyone ever talked to you like this? Sometimes I think I am to nice. I must have 'DumbA**' written across my face. I didnt mean to be in this position. I dont want to be in it. I want to fix it & never be in it again. Im trying my best. Maybe its because I live in a high income area.
I have NO SUPPORT from anyone except here. None. Not even church pals. Everyone wants to judge.
Thanks for letting me rant.