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Got My Apartment!! + ? On Credit Unions

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    Got My Apartment!! + ? On Credit Unions

    I haven't had a chance to get on here in a while, but I wanted to thank everyone that thought of me when I had posted about needing to move. I actually did find an apartment and I've been moving - all along with trying to work all the hours I could get plus going to college, so it's been very busy.

    I got the place in a super nice complex and I explained all that I'm going thru to the manager who was a super cool lady. My credit score was not good enough to get in - but better than what I thought - so she talked to the head management and told them I would be a great renter and I got in. Thank God for her! I'm beginning to miss my old home - we lived there since 1989 and it's the only home my daughter knew, so we're both kind of in shock a bit. But, we'll get used to it.

    Now, another thing to talk about -

    I had went to court with the sbtx and our attorneys on Jan 5. I sat right there and stated that my goal was to be moved by Feb 1, which I did. Even the stbx's lawyer was trying to think of places and told me she'd let me know if she heard of a reasonable place for rent.

    It's now Feb 15 and I'm getting calls from credit union where our mortgage is at and I'm being told the payment is 2 weeks late. For one thing, they have put my stbx's address as where I'm living now - I told them numerous times he has not lived with me since Aug 2005 and my phone # is not his. They say he has no phone listed and they have 3 address on file for him. In other words, he is in hiding as usual.

    I cannot pay the $600 mortgage payment. He's paid it since day 1 and now thinks he's just not going to anymore. I sent him a reminder letter in January once I found this place reminding him that utilities would be coming out of my name and he'd have to transfer them in his name to keep them up. I told him our new address so in case he'd ever decide to act like he knows our daughter he'd know where to pick her up - and it was also in my letter telling him that this was just a repeat of our Jan 5th discussion in court.

    The last day that I was moving, he had been in the home that morning. I went back for a last load and he had threw things on the floor, left the TV blaring, all lights on, and had put paper in the sink and burnt it. The house smelled horrible from whatever it was he had caught fire to. Very childish fool.

    He had left a note the size of a 4" notepad..scribbled like a kid. Said he now wanted pics of our daughter - as to which I asked him twice if he wanted any before and he said no and that he had plenty - now all of a sudden he wants pics of her. Then whined on how his life is a mess and he is probably gonna have to file bankruptcy.

    My guess from that chicken scratch is that he isn't going to move into the house, so he's not paying the mortgage anymore. He's just going to go cold turkey on it. Hence the phone calls to me due to them not finding him. He knew I was moving so he can't act like it's bothering him now.

    Honestly, I think I've told this before - he had an affair, so he's now living with the consequences of that action. He still says he can't understand why I'm so upset and wanting a divorce. Not only has he had the affair, but he walked out when our daughter was just shy of 15 and hasn't picked her up for so much of a Coke since Aug 1, 2005.

    I'm enjoying this new place, but my financial situation is slowly taking over that happiness too. I see my attorney tomorrow, so I'll know exactly when I can file the bankruptcy. And now, I have the credit union looking for a mortgage payment...

    My question is can they just take it out of someone's account without notice? I have enough money to last me a couple of months and my hours at work are becoming lower, but it's enough to get me to pay my rent. If they take this out of my account, I won't be able to pay rent. I'm the co-signer on the mortgage....I'm wondering if he's changed banks so he has no money in his account, which I very well should be doing too.

    If I do that, how does that look to a judge at the time of filing bankruptcy? Even if it's a couple months before, do they question that?

    I want so much to enjoy the new start here, but my financial baggage - and the stbx's stupidity is bringing me way down. I woke up at 4 am and layed there in bed - wide awake and stomach in knots. I feel guilty for buying the least little thing. Even to rent a $3 video - I feel guilty. Like I have to save every dime I have to prepare for how this is all gonna blow up.

    Sorry for the rant - but I do thank everyone for listening. I know the bankruptcy is bad enough, but this divorce is about to kill me emotionally. Not due to him out of my life - which is great - but the financial part is knocking my self esteem and confidence right out the window and believe me, there wasn't much left. I need to find a better paying job and due to all this, I can't seem to put one foot in front of the other anymore.

    Any ideas? Thanks for listening.


    The past is the past - so let it go - do not dwell on it now that you have made your decisions and got your ducks in the right row........

    Some spouses you can "live with" - some YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITHOUT............

    You said you co-signed on the mortgage........ is your mortgage at a bank or credit union and is your checking/savings at the same bank??????? If not, GOOD........... As a co-signer on the note, yes, they will come after you if he does not make the payments....... I'm sure your attorney will tell you this.... Also you need to open your OWN checking account now, if you and him share one presently......

    Is your attorney a divorce/bankruptcy attorney???? Is he handling both?
    If not, talk to an attorney that handles both........ find out what options are available too you (free consultation).......

    If you have questions - feel free to ask, if you just want to vent - that's okay too.....

    We're here to support you.....


    "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

    My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


      Hi Minny!

      Yes, my attorney is doing both - he actually specializes in bankruptcy more, but is also doing my divorce. This divorce has went on for months...

      I have my own checking account and savings - always have. Nothing I ever did in banking accounts was in both our names - thank God!

      And yes, my checking account is at the credit union...

      Guess I should get a new bank? Do credit unions give you any kind of warning or do they just take it out instantly?



        Is the mortgage note with the credit union also????
        Is your name on the deed, too or just the mortgage note?
        Yes, they can tap your checking account at the credit union - but normally will notify you (or at least most do)......
        Get you another checking/savings account somewhere else, but do not close out the credit union account..... just don't put a lot of money into it......

        Ask your attorney, but the credit union may freeze your checking account when you file bankrutpcy since your mortgage account is there also...... especially if the mortgage payment comes out of that account......

        You will feel a lot better when you sit down with your attorney and get answers to a lot of your questions......

        Keep us posted.......

        "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

        My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


          Hi..I'm new to this forum. Just wanted to tell you to hang in there. I know about the anxiety that comes with these problems. I'm not getting divorce but our finances are a disaster. Lay awake many nites...finally went to see the Dr and he gave me a prx so I could relax.
          There are a lot of good and wise people in this forum, they have given me a lot of input and I'm very grateful to them.
          Take Care,


            Minny, my name's on the mortgage as well as the deed. We've owned it since 1989 and my name can only come off the legal way. Now if he decides to foreclose it, I won't have to worry about it after that, for I'll know what direction I'm headed with this house.

            He has always paid the mortgage out of his account, but being my name's on it too - and especially if he has taken his money out and switched banks already - I need to as well. My checking account is there - he calls the payment in monthly, but nothing's saying that they won't come after me ASAP if he doesn't pay it.

            I hate switching banks for this credit union has been awesome to me since 1985, but it's what I gotta do in order to make sure I'm not the one they pull the money on, for if they do, my rent money goes right out the window.

            I tell you all something - if no one's been thru a divorce before on top of a bankruptcy - it's something else. Knowing you're struggling financially as it is and knowing you're giving up to bankruptcy due to no choice - plus you have a stbx that is being a total idiot - he makes so much more money than me that's it's sickening. But yet - he's only worried about HIS future. Doesn't even mention our daughter at all. That messes you up as a parent - I'm almost fried mentally from how he's done her. I can't even imagine what she truly feels about him - the things she doesn't tell me.

            Oh well.....thanks all. I just needed to talk today.


              I was with NFCU Credit Union, and made sure before I filed I kept the minimum balance $5 (I actually left $10), after I filed they immediately deducted $5 to pay towards one of my cc's I had with them, without notifying me. Luckily I had re-directed my direct deposits by than too!

              Best of Luck, Catchmeifyoucan
              July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
              Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
              Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
              Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                I don't personally have experience with CU's during times like these, but have read a lot of posts here from others.

                Minny gave you a good suggestion. CMIYC told you what happened in their case.

                Better to be safe than to be sorry. Draw down your acct at the CU. Don't close it completely as you would have to explain that to the Trustee for your BK. Open a new acct at another bank. You'll have one less thing to worry about.
                Filed Ch 7 - 09/06
                Discharged - 12/2006
                Officially Declared No Asset - 03/2007
                Closed - 04/2007

                I am not an attorney. My comments are based on personal experience and research. Always consult an attorney in your area to address concerns related to your particular situation.

                Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate. - Woody Allen...


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