I wanted to give my one piece of advice to anyone who is thinking about filing BK in the future and that is to see a couple different lawyers before you file to get there opinions before settling on one. The moderators of this site do a good job of pointing this out. I'm the type of person that would just assume go find a lawyer and trust in him to get the job done. The first lawyer I went to see was going to stick my in a ch.13. I kept reading different post and stories on this website and it seemed like something was just not right with what this lawyer was telling me, or not telling me. So I went to see another lawyer and low and behold he told me that I was a case for ch7. My wife and I together was over the median income for a family of 2 but we flunked the means test big time which allowed us to do the ch7. I have to thank this site and the moderators for giving me the knowledge to see through a lawyer that was not looking out after my best interest. So thanks Guys!