We've been renting for going on 2 yrs. too long. We, like most people, can be approved for a non-conforming mortgage soon after discharge. Do we buy a $270K house and work our butts off to pay $2400/mo. total in an 80/20 loan (only interest being paid) for 2 yrs and then refinance? Or do we continue to rent for 2 yrs. (our rental home is beautiful & perfect for us, but on the market would sell for $320's, over our head)
I hate the thought of paying the landlord another 1-2 yrs. By paying a mortgage we'd be getting a lot of that back at the end of the year. With renting (in this State) you cannot claim rental expenses..it's a complete loss.
What would you do? Or what have you done? Another issue for us is if we buy we can get our children into the school that we want. Our son starts Kindergarten in Fall 07. We also sort of dislike our neighborhood now.
Would you run right out and get a non-conforming loan? I've heard about 'Good Faith' estimates from our atty and paying only 1 pt/1%...and if they have 3% on the loan, ask what that is for, etc etc. Any guidance here on getting a decent loan with as low as possible monthly payments!?
I hate the thought of paying the landlord another 1-2 yrs. By paying a mortgage we'd be getting a lot of that back at the end of the year. With renting (in this State) you cannot claim rental expenses..it's a complete loss.
What would you do? Or what have you done? Another issue for us is if we buy we can get our children into the school that we want. Our son starts Kindergarten in Fall 07. We also sort of dislike our neighborhood now.
Would you run right out and get a non-conforming loan? I've heard about 'Good Faith' estimates from our atty and paying only 1 pt/1%...and if they have 3% on the loan, ask what that is for, etc etc. Any guidance here on getting a decent loan with as low as possible monthly payments!?