Originally posted by Barbisi
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Originally posted by Barbisi
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Originally posted by Barbisi
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Originally posted by Barbisi
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Think of it this way. Bankruptcy says... we'll protect you from your creditors and your $300,000 of debt if you either a.) liquidate all of your non-exempt property to attempt to satisfy the creditors, or b.) you try to pay back the creditors the best you can over the next 3-5 years. If you do one of a.) or b.), then the court will protect you and get rid of the remaining debt.
That a claim arose, without your knowledge, prior to the discharge of the case is inconsequential. Not even you knew of the issue or the potential settlement. What you did do, by filing bankruptcy and seeking protection from creditors seizing and liquidating all of your assets, is pledge that everything you had before filing, is subject to administration by the bankruptcy trustee.
Or, think of it this way. Imagine all this without bankruptcy and its protections. As one of my old -- she's not "old" -- judges would say... it's a pay to play system. If you don't want to pay, then you can't play. (She mostly used it in the context of a Chapter 13, but I think it works for Chapter 7s as well.)