My bankruptcy was discharged in 2008. I wanted to keep my house and worked really hard for a modification which I did recieve and was very greatful. I was given a mod that increased every year. I was happy and I have kept up thinking I could refinace when the payments would get too high. That brings us to now, I went to refinance and found my second mortgage which was discharged left a lien so I can not refinance. I talked to my lawyer and they explained I do not owe for the house, it is not on my credit. I have been on time for 3 years
. Any way my question is I am planning on walking away because I can not afford this house. I love my home and I really wanted to keep it. I do not want to do anything illegal but I am in a bind, I have many pets so renting is not a choice. My credit is good, I could buy another house, but is that buy and bail, while my credit is good I would like to do that, but nothing illegal. I do not know what to do. A forum like this helped me so much before any suggestions?
