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Holy paperwork batman!

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    Holy paperwork batman!

    So I posted that the people staying in our home had a Notice of Trustee's sale taped to the door several days ago. Well, starting on Monday, my husband and I have been receiving approximately 18-20 certified letters PER DAY! They are either notice of default, notice of sale, or "danger" letters stating that we're in danger of losing our home if we don't pay $8000 to catch up. Yeah...thanks Wells Fargo legal team, we understood with the first notice ;)

    I feel so bad for our poor mail lady, standing there waiting for all of those stupid letters to get signed! We have yet to receive our discharge, although our attorney said that all discharges were granted as of July 23rd...I was hoping one of those letters might be a discharge letter, but nope...

    There is no way that they are required to send that many notices for foreclosure procedures, which they can't do without first filing for relief from the stay. What they are doing is harassing you. And trying to collect on a debt and violating the stay. I would talk to your attorney to see what you can do to put a stop to the harassment.


      I bet some of those letters are actually marketing letters from various services (scams) offering to "save your house."

      Note, the discharge letter won't be sent by certified mail.


        Helpmeout, the stay was lifted I believe right around a month or more ago. But I cannot believe the amount of paperwork we're getting and it ALL says the same thing.

        HHM...they're all identical. They're from the same department, same address...everything. It's really bizarre, I never expected to get this much paperwork that all says the same thing. Some are "danger, you're going to lose your home" letters that say to contact Wells Fargo about restructuring our loan, then some are the notice of trustee's sale, and the rest are notice of default letters? I didn't know if the discharge would come certified or not. We still have not received anything and our 60 day was up July 23rd. I'm starting to get very, very nervous. Our attorney said everything looked "fine" and that the trustee discharged all the cases on July 23rd, but still, this long to receive any sort of notification


          unreal!!! i would call your local newspaper and show them what wf is doing. talk about overkill, they are really terrible.
          8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


            I think I'd photocopy them all and send them back, but maybe that's just me being obnoxious.


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