Our friends received a chapter 7 discharge a little over two years ago. Initially they planned on reaffirming their home, but their attorney neglected to file the paperwork, thus it was never reaffirmed and they've just done the "stay and pay" situation for the past two years. Earlier this year they relocated for work and, due to paycheck issues and time off, have been unable to pay their mortgage payment; in fact, they've only paid roughly two full mortgage payments for the entire *year* so far. They receive certified letters once per week from their mortgage company that they need to get caught up "or else"...they call and pay minimal amounts to keep the mortgage company off their back and then go about their day.
The home is currently for sale but is NOT selling. Although they have some equity in the house, they stand to only make about $5,000 at their bottom dollar price after all taxes and fees are paid. Initially they wanted to call the bank to see about cash for keys, but in my experience they will only do that after the foreclosure has taken place and since their house is vacant, their mortgage company probably won't play along with that. Regardless they need to call their bank and ask where to go from here, but they were wondering if anyone has any advice. They feel torn; obviously it's crazy to let a house go that has equity, but given the fact that they're probably at least $6000 behind on their mortgage it doesn't seem like such a bad idea to just "walk away". I suggested renting, but they absolutely refuse to rent the house out. The only other option I see is walking away since they cannot afford their mortgage, their rent in the new area, and all of their bills. Utilities on the house are still running around $400/month and their mortgage is $1200/month...it's in the unaffordable range at this point.
Their realtor is recommending a short sale to just "get the house out of their names".
The home is currently for sale but is NOT selling. Although they have some equity in the house, they stand to only make about $5,000 at their bottom dollar price after all taxes and fees are paid. Initially they wanted to call the bank to see about cash for keys, but in my experience they will only do that after the foreclosure has taken place and since their house is vacant, their mortgage company probably won't play along with that. Regardless they need to call their bank and ask where to go from here, but they were wondering if anyone has any advice. They feel torn; obviously it's crazy to let a house go that has equity, but given the fact that they're probably at least $6000 behind on their mortgage it doesn't seem like such a bad idea to just "walk away". I suggested renting, but they absolutely refuse to rent the house out. The only other option I see is walking away since they cannot afford their mortgage, their rent in the new area, and all of their bills. Utilities on the house are still running around $400/month and their mortgage is $1200/month...it's in the unaffordable range at this point.
Their realtor is recommending a short sale to just "get the house out of their names".