Today I received a Plaintiffs Request for Permissions from the Lawyer representing the bank in my FC case.
I wasn't expecting this and not really sure what to do with it. From what I read, I have 30 days to answer it. It was delivered via USPS regular mail. How do I answer this? I know I answer Admit/Deny/No knowledge, etc but does this get filed with the court? Or just sent back to the attorney CMRRR? I have read that my answers need to be notarized as well? And that if I ignore this, the court and compel me to answer with sanctions if I refuse?
The questions being asked seem strange because they should already have this information and if they had concrete records of this info, why would they need me to admit to it? They have attached a copy of the note which is legit, no real arguing there, but not sure of their reasoning in doing so.
Is this common in the course of a case? I will be answering this Pro Se to further stall the case.
I wasn't expecting this and not really sure what to do with it. From what I read, I have 30 days to answer it. It was delivered via USPS regular mail. How do I answer this? I know I answer Admit/Deny/No knowledge, etc but does this get filed with the court? Or just sent back to the attorney CMRRR? I have read that my answers need to be notarized as well? And that if I ignore this, the court and compel me to answer with sanctions if I refuse?
The questions being asked seem strange because they should already have this information and if they had concrete records of this info, why would they need me to admit to it? They have attached a copy of the note which is legit, no real arguing there, but not sure of their reasoning in doing so.
Is this common in the course of a case? I will be answering this Pro Se to further stall the case.