Howdy Y'all,
I've searched but can't seem to find what I am looking for, maybe someone can help.
We filed our chapter 7 on 9/29, and our 341 is scheduled for 11/8. We chose to surrender the house in the chapter 7, as we are upside down in it, and it needs more work than we could afford to do to even try to get it ready for sale. When I spoke with the bank, they asked if we intended to stay through foreclosure, which we are, and they asked that we inform them if that changes so they can secure the property. I agreed that we would keep them informed if we ended up needing to go.
Today, our lawyer called and said the bank contacted him, and asked if he could ask us if we would do a deed in lieu. He said if it were him he would do the DIL, but if we do that we will need to leave much sooner. He also said if we do the DIL, we would be best to wait until after our discharge. I assume that will not be until January 2011, but if we accept their offer to do a DIL, do we have any say as to when that takes place? He also said their is the possibility of a 1099-C if we do the DIL, but again if we don't sign until after discharge, we would probably have the bankruptcy exclusion to negate this.
I have been reading all day, and can't make heads or tails of what the procedure/timeframe of a DIL is, or which is the better way to go.
Anyone else know anything about this that could maybe shed some light for us? Our lawyer said we should let him know what we want to do in the next couple days so he can get back to the lender on it.
Googling all day now has me confused...
...perhaps I need to Bing and decide?
I've searched but can't seem to find what I am looking for, maybe someone can help.

We filed our chapter 7 on 9/29, and our 341 is scheduled for 11/8. We chose to surrender the house in the chapter 7, as we are upside down in it, and it needs more work than we could afford to do to even try to get it ready for sale. When I spoke with the bank, they asked if we intended to stay through foreclosure, which we are, and they asked that we inform them if that changes so they can secure the property. I agreed that we would keep them informed if we ended up needing to go.
Today, our lawyer called and said the bank contacted him, and asked if he could ask us if we would do a deed in lieu. He said if it were him he would do the DIL, but if we do that we will need to leave much sooner. He also said if we do the DIL, we would be best to wait until after our discharge. I assume that will not be until January 2011, but if we accept their offer to do a DIL, do we have any say as to when that takes place? He also said their is the possibility of a 1099-C if we do the DIL, but again if we don't sign until after discharge, we would probably have the bankruptcy exclusion to negate this.
I have been reading all day, and can't make heads or tails of what the procedure/timeframe of a DIL is, or which is the better way to go.
Anyone else know anything about this that could maybe shed some light for us? Our lawyer said we should let him know what we want to do in the next couple days so he can get back to the lender on it.
Googling all day now has me confused...
