lisamom, the attorney said he thinks we are better off in the new state without having an open bk back here. i would not think the add'l income would mean that much of a difference considering we are going to have TWO PLACES TO PAY FOR for awhile, etc....there are definitely unknowns and it is such an awful feeling. i just wish we had filed back in the spring and had this all behind us before having to move. the attorney is the one who told us to go ahead and try to sell, and to wait for some of the cc companies to put judgments out on us (three have done so since) so i was ready to file then, and he again said to wait until they try to sue us then we would file. well, now the wAiting has put us up a creek. his words yesterday are "well, this case just did not go that way" ....meaning none of this was due to his advice, just the way the ball has bounced.
we may have to surrender the house if it does not sell FAST by owner, and there is a chance we could settle with all the creditors on our own over the next year, but that depends on the house/living expenses. so confused.
has anyone seen a thread related to filing, then getting a better job?
we may have to surrender the house if it does not sell FAST by owner, and there is a chance we could settle with all the creditors on our own over the next year, but that depends on the house/living expenses. so confused.
has anyone seen a thread related to filing, then getting a better job?